Chapter 16: I'm warning you

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This chapter will be from multiple POV's I will use BOLD to let you know when POV changes.

Luca's POV

Noah finally puts her down. He better stop touching her like that. She turns to me and I go to take a step forward and hug her. Finally I'll get to hold her. "Well bye it was nice meeting you" she says quickly while waving. Before I can even respond she spins around and speed walks to the front door. What the fuck just happened?! She hugs everybody but me?! She says a final goodbye to everyone and heads out the door. I can't fucking believe this!

Adriana's POV

      As soon as the door closes I run up to my mom and hug her. "See mom I told you everything would work out." She looks at me and smiles. "I know babygirl and I'm so happy she's going to be staying with us. It'll be a great chance for us to all get to know her." Mom replies. "I still can't believe you already met her Noah" dad says.

"Yeah it was the same night we caught that asshole sneaking around Lorenzo's office. He was the one who broke my phone when I was hauling him out of the van and into the warehouse."

"Weren't you there too Luca? Why didn't you know about her?" Lorenzo asks.

Luca's POV

Damn it. I was so close to meeting her but of course Noah managed to meet her before me. "I was in my office most of the night so I guess I never got the chance but I did see her at the end of the night before I left" Noah looks at me surprised. "Really when did that happen?"

"Well it was after Noah drove away and I was still in the back alley. I heard people screaming so I went around the side of the building to see who it was. Well I saw Kehlani and she was yelling at some drunk guy to leave her alone and stop following her."

"And you didn't do anything?!" Lorenzo yells interrupting me. He looks pissed. "Woah calm down. If you let me finish my story I'll tell you." Lorenzo nods his head signaling for me to continue. "Then he grabbed her shoulder. I went to go over to stop it but before I could even get there she punched him in the throat and knee'd him in the face breaking his nose!"

"Holy shit!" Adriana yells. "That's not even all of it though! After she broke his nose she pulled out a knife and held it to his throat. I couldn't hear too well what she was saying but it was like she was taunting him. She had him crying and begging for his life. It looked like she was enjoying it though. I thought she was going to kill him but she didn't. Not that I would have blamed her after what he did. He was a fucking coward. I was really impressed. I went to go talk to her but then Damien called and by the time I finished the call she was already gone."

       "Wow that's insane. I mean I should have guessed by how our first meeting went that she wasn't a normal girl but that's still incredible." Lorenzo says. "Yeah our sister is awesome!" Adriana yells proudly. "Her adopted parents must have taught her well" Isabella smiles. "Well then maybe this is good Bella. She'll adjust to the mafia part of our lives easier than we thought. I know you want to keep her away from it until she gets more comfortable with us but we can't avoid it forever." Damien says.

   "Wait is that the girl you were talking about when you came home that night? The super hot bad ass girl?" Noah asks. As they hear Noah say that they turn towards me. I guess they didn't like that because they all look angry. I bet Noah did that on purpose. Well, I guess here comes the yelling.

Adriana's POV

   "Ugh I should have known. Luca I could see you obviously staring at her ass when you were on the stairs. Plus you were acting like an asshole to her!" I yell. "What?!" My mom yells. Luca looks nervous. Good. He should because if he messes this up for us he's dead. "What? No I wasn't!" Luca says. I raise my eyebrow at him. "Oh yeah what about giving her and Noah dirty looks and the whole "don't you know it's rude to whisper" thing. You were obviously jealous of her and Noah. She probably thinks you don't like her and that's probably why you were the only one she didn't hug goodbye." Luca actually looks a little hurt when I mentioned her not hugging him. "Wtf I'm not jealous!" Noah laughs and Luca looks at him angrily which shuts Noah up.

     "If you treat her like another one of your whores and she leaves again. I swear to God Luca friend or not I'll kill you." Lorenzo says. "Alright for fucks sake I get it" he says.

      "Good" Dad says. "Good night kids" Mom says as her and Dad head upstairs. "Good night" we all say back. As soon as they're out of earshot I look at Noah. "Just so you know the off limits rule for Kehlani applies to you too." I can see Luca smirk a bit as I say that. "Ok look guys I get you're protective of Kehlani because you don't want to lose your sister but I'm not going to hurt her. Yes I was flirting with her all night but did you notice how she was flirting back and happy to see me? We met before I even knew she was related to you. I like her Adriana she's something special and I promise I won't get in the way of you and her"

    I look at him for some indication that he's lying but he actually seems sincere. He's right she does seem to like him too. Lorenzo and I look at each other. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" Luca yells. "Noah gets a chance with her but I don't? This is bullshit! I saw her that night too I just didn't get to talk to her!"

   "Well they already know each other and we can't tell her what to do. If she likes him which it seems like she does then we can't tell her to stop. She'll notice and probably be hurt if Noah starts ignoring her all of a sudden and I don't want to do that to her. You however were rude to her all night. I think at this point she thinks you hate her." Luca looks sad and I start to feel bad. "Yeah whatever" he mumbles and heads upstairs. Maybe I was too hard on him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2022 ⏰

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