Chapter 14: Dinner

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This chapter will be from multiple people's POV so I'll use Bold to let you know when it switches

Luca's POV

I'm walking downstairs when I see Adriana squeezing the life out of some girl but I can't see her face. There are two other girls I don't know too. They're pretty hot. Maybe I'll try to sleep with one of them. "Damn Adriana let the girl breath" Lorenzo says. "Im sorry I'm just so excited you're here" she says as she pulls away and I can finally see the girls face. I stop in my tracks halfway down the stairs. No. Fucking. Way. That's Isabellas daughter?! That's the girl from the alley that kicked that guys ass! Fuck she looks even more sexy up close.

Adriana turns back to her parents and Lorenzo. "So guys this is obviously Kehlani and these are her friends Jade and Hazel" she says while pointing to the two girls. "Girls you already met Lorenzo and this is my father Damien, and my mother Isabella"

"Nice to officially meet you" Damien says. Kehlani nods her head but looks uncomfortable. "You too" she says.

They continue to talk but I'm not even listening. All I can do is stare at Kehlani's ass. Fuck, that girl is fine. Lorenzo and Damien would kill me though. Who am I kidding Isabella and Adriana would kill me first. She just might be worth the death sentence though. Adriana looks up at me. "Luca are you going to come down and introduce yourself or just stare like a creepy weirdo"

Everyone laughs. Well great now she probably thinks I'm a stalker. Thanks a lot Adriana. "Sorry I saw you guys were having a family moment and didn't want to interrupt" Good save. Adriana looks me up and down. "Mhmm" I finally get to the bottom of the stairs. "Hi I'm Luca" I say with a flirty smile. She's about to say something but then I hear "KEHLANI?!" as Noah comes running down the stairs. He pushes me out of the way and hugs Kehlani tightly picking her up off her feet and spinning her around. Wtf how does he know her and why is he hugging her like that?! I should be the only one who hugs her like that!

"Omg Noah it's so great to see you what a surprise!" she says. Everybody but the other girls looks confused too. "I never thought I'd see you again" Noah yells. "So why didn't you ever call or text me I gave you my number" WHAT SHE GAVE HIM HER NUMBER?! I could kill him right now. He releases her from the hug but still has his hands on her hips while he's talking to her. Yah I'm definitely going to kill him.

"Believe me I wanted to but the night you gave it to me some asshole broke my phone so I lost it. I'm so happy to see you again. I haven't been able to get that pretty little face out of my head since I met you" Kehlani laughs. "Well I've missed you too. This is such a coincidence. Are you part of the family too?"
"Oh hell no. We're just close family friends. So you know nothings stopping us from-"

"Ok that's enough Noah. Why don't we head to the dining room. Dinners ready." Adriana says. I never thought I'd say this but thank God for Adriana because if he finished that sentence I was going to strangle him. I can't believe he got to meet her before me! Doesn't matter though because she's mine. They just don't know it yet.

Kehlani's POV

Noah is such a flirt. I'm glad I have one more friendly face in the room with me. We start walking to the dining room. Noah says hi to Jade and Hazel and gives them a quick hug too. We get to the dining room and wow it's beautiful. Damien takes a seat at the head of the table and Isabella sits next to him. I take a seat and Noah sits next to me on my left side. I notice that guy Luca give him a dirty look as he walks past him. Weird. Jade is sitting on my right with Hazel next to her and on the other side of the table is Adriana, Lorenzo and Luca.

A woman who looks like she's in her early fifties walks in and places the food on the table. Ooh my favorite. It looks so good I lick my lips. We all start grabbing some and passing it around. Once everyone's plate is full we start to dig in. "So Kehlani do you have a job back in Michigan?" Adriana says starting to make small talk while we eat.

"Yes I do I actually own a bar with Hazel and Jade" "Yeah that's why we were able to come here so suddenly and be able to stay" Hazel adds. "Oh so who's taking care of it now?" Lorenzo asks. "Our friend Elijah. He's been our main bartender since we opened and he's one of our closest friends" I reply.

"Ooh just a friend or a boyfriend?" Adriana asks smiling. Luca's eyes practically pop out of his head and he stares at me. Creepy. "Just a friend" I say as I laugh. Luca looks relieved for some reason. Noah leans in and whispers in my ear "Good, then I still have a chance" he pulls away and winks at me. I laugh. He's so cute. "I guess we'll see" I whisper back. Noah gets a big goofy grin on his face.

"Don't you know it's rude to whisper" Luca says with an angry look on his face. I can see Adriana kick him under the table. What the hell is his problem? "So anyway" Adriana says trying to ignore what Luca just said. "How are you three liking Miami so far? Have you done anything fun?" She asks.

"Well our first night here we went to Phoenix which was super fun and is actually how we met Noah" I say smiling. "Oh well me, Noah and Luca all own that club together" says Lorenzo. "Oh so then that makes you his brother?" I ask Luca. "Yeah he's my little brother" "Okay cool. I was always an only child but I guess now I have you two" I say as I smile at Lorenzo and Adriana. They both smile back at me. I notice Isabella has a look that's both sad and happy at the same time. "I'm glad you were all able to find each other" She hasn't spoken this whole time so I was surprised when I finally heard her voice. "Me too" I say. She gives me a weak smile and nods her head.

We continue to eat and make small talk. We all finish our dinner and I'm dreading the conversation that's going to happen now. "Thank you for dinner it was delicious" Jade and Hazel say. "Yes I loved it thank you so much" I say smiling.

"You're always welcome to come over for dinner" Damien says. "I appreciate that" I say as we start to head out of the dining room. Isabella softly puts her hand on my shoulder. "Maybe now we could head to Damiens office. I wanted to talk to you privately." I stop and look at Jade and Hazel. "Can they come too? I know you wanted to speak privately but I'd feel more comfortable if they're there with me" I ask. She looks over at them. "Of course dear" I motion for Hazel and Jade to come by me and we all follow Isabella to a big office. She sits down at the desk and we sit down in the chairs in front of it.

"Well I just wanted to clear the air and tell you how this all happened."

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