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yall were kind of scared to go to school but we went anyways

Time skip  

yall get to school and tried to hide from vallyk mike and kobe we started to speed walk but they stopped us

kobe: answer me when I talk to u bitch
destiny: I'm sorry
kobe:do my homework ok slut
Kobe punches uband ur sister in the stomach
and then u seen kayla
kayla:omg are u I'm sorry I wasn't here
dior and destiny: it's ok
yall are a little early btw
soon the bell ring and yall went yall separate ways and u went with kayla cus she has all the same classes as u, u told her what happened what ur dad
kayla: u and ur sister can stay at my house ok dont cry I dont want him to touch u call me if he di some shit like that again
yn*starts crying
yn:I'm sorry I should have called u
kayla: it's ok yall can stay as long as u want ok
yn: ok
u guys head  to class and u saw line standing there
destiny: MY NIGGA U
then i realised what i just said
yn: Kobe I'm sor-
*Kobe beat you up he punches you in your face in your nose was bleeding after he beat you up Kayla slap Kobe across the face and he slapped her and then walked off y'all soon went to the bathroom to fix y'all selves up and heading to get the bathroom you see your sister limping with a big cut on her face scratched up she look like she just got beat up. I had to limp over there
yn: omg are u ok
dior: no *she said crying*
yk:come here it's ok who did it
dior:mike he stomped on my stomach and  vallyk then spit in my face and we still have to go home to dad
yn:  kaylah said we can stay at her house and dad doesn't no kaylah so it's ok and let's go get are self's cleaned up
kayla helped us to the bathroom and we cleaned are selves up
then we noticed we missed 3 periods already so u now u were at lunch and u seen Kobe and his friends u kayla and dior tried to run away but then they come up to u and

sorry for the cliffhanger yall but it's about to get good sorry I'd I made any mistake comments something I can do to fix this story if u like depending on the reads this story might be shirt or I'll just delete it but yeah bye yall gn

448 words

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