hospital pt.1

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10 minutes later they come
they take yn to the hospital and she's now in surgery
end of recap

you had finally got out of surgery

doc:ok I have good news and bad news
dior: ok
doc: good news is she healthy
kayla:and bad news?
doc:bad news she has a very large tumor in her brain and there's a 75% chance she will make it out alive so I will give u guys some time to think about if yall want the surgery or not
dior: ok
kayla: we need to call ur mom

dior calls her mom and she comes to the hospital

ok y/m stands for your mom or yall moms it dont mater

y/m: omg what happened
kayla: she spent the night at my house because her dad
y/m: wdym her dad?
kayla: I love u but tell her or i will
dior: ok mom come into the room with destiny and u to kayla
y/m: ok?

they walk in the room with destiny

y/m: hey honey how u feeling
y/n: I'm ok but my head hurts
y/m: ok but kayla what is it u have to tell me
dior: sorry but kayla kind of told mom about dad by accident
destiny: omg kayla
kayla: it slipped out I'm sorry
dior: momsodadrapesusandabusesusandhetellsusnottotellu
(mom so dad rapes us and abuses us and he tells us not to tell u
y/m: stop lieing

y/k pov: when she said stop lieing my hear shattered like why would we lie about this

dior: we are not lieing wth
y/m: yea yall are yall dad would never do something like that
kayla: they are telling the truth
y/m: dollar lying and you know what destiny I hope you die because of your tumor bitch and ur stuff will be out my house bye tomorrow morning the both of you

at this point u and dior were just crying and then ur mom left

kayla: babes it's ok it will be fine dont worry about her
dior: I know but she really said she hopes she dies
y/n: its o..

yn heart rates start going up and she starts to have a seizure

dior: omg she needs the surgery
kayla: the risk is to high

soon tre he doctor rush in about to take destiny to surgery

doc: do u want the tumor stolen out or not
kayla and dior: yes

the doctor rush off and she in surgery for a while so u and kayla wait in the waiting room

kayla: we didn't even get to discuss it with her
dior: it will be ok
kayla: let's go find kobe and kill him
Dior: well go to jail
kayla:u right

a few hours later the doctor come out of surgery and have some news to tell u guys but before u do someone walks in

what's the news?

who walked in?

is destiney ok?

thank u again for 90 reads and bye yall next chapter will be longer and comment if u have any ideas for the book and by love u all

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