getting ready for...

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y/n pov:  we all were just tanning on our phones until someone came up to us
??: um hi
kobe: who are u
??: oh my names derek
vallyk: oh ur that tiktok boy right?
dior: oh shit he is
y/n: oh well how are u
derek: oh I'm fine I just had recognized u from Instagram
y/n:oh ok well do u want to join us
derek: yea I'll tell u guys about my self
kayla: ok I'll go first how old are u
Derek: 17
dior: where are u from
Derek: new Jersey ( I forgot where he was really from)
mike: what's ur Instagram
derek: its derektrendz
derek: hold on let me make this short for yall my name is derek I'm 17 I'm from New Jersey my parents died I have a little sister shes 13 her name is alliya (I forgot her real name) um and we live on Hudson street if u know where that is ( I made up a random street) and I'm really cool I have alot of friends and I'm single and this is not that important but I listen to lil durk lil baby and pop smoke and YK ect.
vallyk: u answered about every question but I'm vallyk
mike: I'm Michael but my friends call me Mike
y/n: my names destiny ( or y/n)
kobe: kobe
dior: I'm dior and destiny is my sister
kaylah: destiny and dior are my besties and oh yea I'm kaylah
derek: well ok can we all exchange numbers cuz I have to go
kobe: yeah

they all exchanged numbers then derek left

kobe: well this was fun
y/n: yea it was

we all ate then got in the water for a few more hours by so by time we left it was 9pm so kobe dropped us off and then he went home. then me and the girls got in the shower and did our night routine and went to sleep
end  of recap

y/n pov: I was mad tierd from last night I woke up at 3pm so i had got up and got dressed and brushed my teeth then went to kaylas room
end of y/n pov

u went to Kayla's room and knocked on the door *knock knock
kaylah: yea
she went in
dior: oh good morning/good afternoon to u sis 😭
y/n: lmfaoooooo good morning
kaylah: what we doing today
dior: idk
y/n phone starts ringing its from Kobe
y/n: omg its kobe!
kaylah: then answer it 😭
sticks up the middle finger at kaylah and laughs then answer the phone
the phone call
y/n: hey
kobe: oh um hey I was wondering if u would like to go on a date with me?
y/n: omg yes I would love to what time?
kobe: um 7pm bring a baithing suit and dress a little fancy
y/n: ok bye!!
end of call
y/n: omg guys he asked me to go on a date with him
dior: oh shit ok
kaylah: ok what are u wearing
y/n: um he said  I have to dress fancy but bring a baithing suit and another set of clothes
dior:ok do u have a good outfit
kaylah: was that a question ofc she do
y/n: rii ima start getting ready at 5 its 4:30 rn
so ima just show yall my outfits
Dior and kaylah: ok

you went to your room and got the outfits and knocked on the door

y/n: you guys ready for the outfit
dior: yea
kaylah: hurry up gurll
y/n: damn ok look

y/n: you guys ready for the outfit dior: yeakaylah: hurry up gurlly/n: damn ok look

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