idk what to call this

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back to call
you: awe bubs u called me ur wife
kobe: because u are I posted u to
you: yes I seen it but I'm finna watch a movie what should I watch
kobe: love
you: kobe Morris
kobe: what come on
you: no I'm watching grey's anatomy but do u want to hang out tomorrow with me vallyk Derek mike and the girls
kobe: yea sure were at
you: maybe the mall and we can have a sleep over at my house
kobe: ok well I'm going to go to sleep love u gn
you: love u to gn wait
kobe: yea
you: were do u live at
kobe: oh I live on pine street
you: oh ok well I wanna move
Kobe: what!
you: no I want to move with dior and kaylah in our own house I think they would say yes and there is a big Manchin on pine street because a few days ago I looked over there for houses before we even were talking 
kobe: oh well I think u should talk to them tomorrow and see what they say but they most likely will say yes because rii I are living at kaylahs parents house because ur mom
you: ye hopefully they say yes becaus I love it her but this is kaylas mom house even tho shes never here but then we will live closer to each other and did u know kaylah and vallyk are dating and so is dior and mike
kobe: dead ass I didn't know they must of asked them out
you: yea and u live with them
kobe: yea we moved together like last year we dont live with out parents and Derek lives a block down from u and me cuz our houses are 2 blocks down from each other
kobe: yea that means he lives on Hudson street cuz that's like in the middle
you: yes but I will talk to them tomorrow and my bad I forgot u was going to sleep ima go to sleep to
kobe: ok goodnight
you: goodnight

u turned of the tv and u went to sleep
end if recap

All right so these next few chapters is about to be a lot of stuff happening so Derek is going to start dating somebody they're going to have a sleepover the whole crew and they all ganna meet new people so there will be new characters but also kobe is gonna get mad at y/n and shit is gonna go down so stay tuned

it was about 12 pm and I woke up to dior in my room watching tv

dior: good morning
y/n: GM wyd in here
dior: oh I'm bored and I wanna go to the mall but derek said he was comming over at like 3:30 with mike vallyk and kobe so get up
you: ok where is kayla
dior: she went grocery shopping
you: oh ok well I'm finna get in the shower and get ready
dior: same I'ma go in my room
you: oh yea when kay gets back I have to tell yall somethin
dior: oh ok

oh yea btw kaylas nick name for them

ok y got in the shower and got ready and shit and then the group chat called you so u answered

first this is what u wore


u wore the second outfit and Dior wore the first

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u wore the second outfit and Dior wore the first

u wore the second outfit and Dior wore the first

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and that's what kayla wore

but anyways the gc ft call
derek: hey
you: hey
Kobe: what are we doing today
vallyk: we are going to the mall then everyone is spending the night over at our house for a sleepover
kobe: bet
kayla: hi guys
Mike: where you at
kayla: oh I'm driving home now I went grocery shopping are we still going to the mall and shit
Derek: yea
kayla: ok
dior: I'm ready yall wanna see our outfits
kobe: yea
you: ok look at both of ours cuz we matching
mike: ok yall look cute purr
vally: rii I see yall
kayla:what time is it
you: 2:30
kobe: mik me and vally start heading over there at 3 so I'll ttyl
everyone except vallk Mike and kobe: bye
kayla: ok I'm here so ima leave
Derek: wait what's yall adress
you: 65 fulton street
derek: oh that's up the block from me
you: yes ik and the boys live on pine
derek: oh well damn bye I'll be there at 3
everyone left

kayla walked in the door and yall were putting all the food away them yall started talking

dior: kayla come over here y/n needs to tell us something
kayla: ok
you: ok um I want to move
dior: huh
kayla: where to
you: I want u guys to move with me on Hudson street its actually rii next door to Kobe's house and plus we will all be closer to each other and we can see each other every day and this is your parents house and I'm going to be 19 in a week so I wanna get my gowns house y/n and just start fresh and plus I really dont want to live next door to my mom so what do yall think
kayla: yk what that's a good idea
Dior: I'm in well finally have our own place is it big
you: it's a big ass mansion bigger then the boys
kayla: ok well when can we move in
you: we can move in tomorrow cuz I figured u guys would say yes so I already got it last week and it under all our names so we can move in tomorrow at like 5 ok
dior: ok well there outside mike just told me
you and kay: ok

yall went outside derek was there to he also had bring his car so we were gonna get in his car to do it was
me ,kobe,dior,mike in kobes car
and vally,kayla and derek in Derek's car

so yall left and went to the mall and went in

at the mall
kobe: where should we go first
you: Victoriaa secret
mike: eww no that's a girls store
kobe: I'll go can I pick something for u tho
you: yea
mike: door I'll go but I want to pick out some shit to (for her not him 
vallyk: I'm coming to
derek: I'm going to get a smoothie all be back
everyone: ok

yall go in V.S

ima call it v.s cuz I dont want to spell that

kayla: too look at this set yall
u: yes sis get that
vally: mamma's is that for me
kayla: guess that's fir u to find out 😽
vally: bett say less
mike: here dior u should get these
dior: what is it
Mike: a red thong
dior: I was gonna get one anyways so yea
kobe: here get this one y/n
you: ok daddy
kobe: oh we getting freaky now aii bet
vally: they definitely gonna fuck tonight
kayla: hell yea lmfaoooooo
dior: ok I got everything
you: same let's pay
kobe: I'll pay
you: u sure
kobe: yea bubs
u: ok thank u
kobe: np

alright yall left Victoria's Secret and got Derek then went to Champion Croc Store Chick-fil-A Foot Locker pink Under Armour and ect then left and went to kobes house

there will be a part to this chapter and some shit finna happen tbh I dont really like this chapter it's so messy and a little bit confusing but yea these next few chapters will be ok
so stay tuned and thanks for 400 reads I love you all so much and that's for the support

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