went to the guest bathrooms and got in the shower then u went to kayla's room
You want in kaylas room and sat on her bed this is what you wore 👇👇
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dior 👇👇
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Kayla's 👇👇
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dior came in to
kayla: u guys ok yn: yes dior: yea kayla: well ok I'm going to take a nap its 6:30 I'll be up at like 7 or 8 ok dior and yn: same yn:I'll set an alarm dior: ok kayla: remember if something happens push the back botton of any dresser ok it will contact the police dior and yn:ok gn kayla: gn
btw I got that from idea from riverdale
yn pov: I walked in Kayla's room to see if she was up she was sleep and so was Dior, I tried to go to sleep but I couldn't idk why, 5 minutes later I was finally on my way to sleep and I heard a bang on the window I got up and it was kobe end of pov
kobe: why are u here yn:um just a sleep over kobe: u bring suit cases yn: ok and kobe comes over to u and slaps u to the ground kobe:let's go now yn: no get off of me kobe: then tell me or else yn: I can't plz dont hurt me kobe put his hand up and she flinched
Kobe's pov: Tbh I only hit her because I really like her but I can't tell her that and I know she would never like me cuz what I've done to her so I just beat her and yeah I feel really bad and when she flinched I felt even worse end of Kobe POV
I dont know why but I just started to beat her up
kobe:I hate u stupid bitch yn:I hate u to kobe:dont tell anybody about this ok yn: I'm calling the police
u try to reach the button but u couldn't get up I fell back down because I got hit in the head hard like really hard
time skip dior wakes up bout to go wake up yn and kayla she goes to ur room first and she just thought she went to Kayla's room door and woke her up
Dior: WAKE UP kayla: what happen dior: yn gone and there's blood on the floor were she was kayla:let's go find her then
you and kobe pov:
yn: what the hell were am I kobe: my house yn: plz let me go I'm sorry kobe: it's ok come here
yn hesitated but she went next to him and he put his arm out for a hug but he tricked me and he pushed me to the ground he stomped on my chest and my back it hurt so much but all I could think of is why he was doing this
yn:kobe stop plz kobe: why should I yn: you know what just beat me until i die already I'm tired of this and life
kobe stopped and looked at u
kobe:are u ok yn: does it look like I'm fucking ok I get beat up bye u every day I get abused and raped by my dad and my mom doesn't even know I ran away from home to get away from my dad and u and look were i am a broken rib probably bloody nose bruises all over my body and u know what I used to like u but now ur just a scary ass mean mf monster ok so no I'm not fucking fine
yn is crying as she said all of that
Kobe: u get raped yn: yes kobe: to fucking bad
Kobe then stomps on u again
Kobe's pov I felt so bad for her I font know why I did this end of Kobe pov
Dior and kayla pov: dior: I found her she has a bracelet with a tracker in it and I forgot but look likes she ar kobe kayla: ok let's go end of there pov
back to yn and Kobe's pov
dior and Kayla busted in dior: omfg yn kayla: stop crying check her pulse dior:she's not breathing kayla: KOBE WHAT THE FUCK DID U DO Kobe: I beat her up then stomped on her neck and knocked her out dior: what the fuck is wrong with u my nigga
kayla calls 911
911: 911 what's ur emergency kayla: my bestfriend got beat up and now she's not breathing 911: ok calm down what's the adress kayla:688 east meadow road (dont come for me I just made that up 😭😭) 911: ok there will be ambulance at ur house in 5-10 minutes ok kayla: ok
10 minutes later they come they take yn to the hospital and she's now in surgery
next chapter kobe will confess his feelings🥺
well yn say yes?
will yn die?
is everything ok?
anyways gn yall I want to read a book instead of writing one rn so gn I will post part 10 tomorrow