t or d

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everyone got there and introduced them selfs and shit and then we started play truth or dare on the couch
end of recap

you: ok so who's going first
kay: ok truth or dare
dior: dare cuz momma ain't raise no bitch
kay: umm ok I dare u to sit on Mike's lap for the rest of the game
dior: bet
mike: yes sir
kobe: ok who's next
Derek: I'll go
kobe: truth or dare
Derek: dare
kobe: I dare u to make out with sharon for 5 minutes
sharon: ok
derek walks over and they start making out for about 5 minutes
sharon: not bad
Derek: thanks ma
sharon: no problem
vally: me next
mike: I dare u to eat kay out right here rii now
vally: wow ok
kay: I'm down
kobe: well I wanna see this
you hit his arm playfully
ok Mike starts eating kay out on the couch for like 30 minutes
aya: yall forgot we was her
monroe: rii
mike: oh yea they got back up and kay put her pants and shit back on
angle: me next
cohen: truth or dare
angel: dare
jiggy: I dare u to go jump on the pool
angel: bet angel runs and jumps in the pool soaked
jiggy: my turn I pick dare
you: umm I dare u to to fuck monroe in yall guest bed room
jiggy: bet they went in the room and fucked and never came back out
aya:well damn anyways my turn I pick dare
sharon: I dare u to make out with jaiden
jaiden: bet *he walks over there and kisses her for like 15 minutes
jaiden: looked at aya and winked and aya put her hand on his if ykyk so he told Aya let's go to the room and u know what happened next
sharon: ok me I pick dare
Cohen: I dare u to go to the store with me and buy some McDonald's
ida: u a fat bitch but ok
sharon: bet let's go
they went to McDonald's and came back 15 minutes later with food for everyone and we all ate and then continued to play the game
angle: my go
you: is it the truth u like ida
angle: yes and ida would u like to be my gf
ida:omg yess
so now they date
ida: ok me I pick dare
dior: ok I want u to kiss anyone in this room
ida: ok she walked over and kissed kobe but kobe slapped her off before y/n even could
kobe: wth get the guck out
you: bitch what the fuck
angle: come tf on my nigga we are dating
ida: she said kisse anyone am I right vhf 9
you got up and dragged that bitch out the house and punched her in her face and threw her shit at he
you: that bitch played
mike: rii like yall just started dating she could've kissed her nigga
Kennedy: rii that nasty bitch
dior: she a hoe I said that for her tok kiss angle literally
kobe: that bitch smell like fish and she new we were dating like what the hell
anyways they finished playing t or dare and decided to do face mask and just take pictures and post them

there will be another part my but my stupid ass published this part bye accident and it wont let me finish it and I forgot my account thing so I cant unpublish it if YKyk but I'll be back yall

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