Capter 23: The First Task....Finally

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"'Okay so today is the first task.

Me and Primrose aren't that close together anymore so we have no Earthly idea what to do.

Prim's plan: AVADA KEDAVRA to the eyes. NO.......I am not a killer. That's what we have been fighting about and why we are mad at each other and so not close. I know it's pretty stupid but any sibling of mine would be to much like me to want to kill a living thing.

My better awesomer plan: Wing it. Like a dragon fly......

Don't say anything rude or roll your "pretty" little eyes because that's just classic me. I know you haven't been seeing classic me in a long while stalkers so.......Here. I. Am.

Learn it. Live it. Love it.

We are sitting back in the tent I am siting on the edge of one bed with Harry, who knew what Primrose's idea was and was also mad about it. We are glaring at Primrose who was sitting on another bed and glaring right back at us.

Too bad we are a team. I feel bad for Harry who has to endure this on his own, good thing he has a plan.

"Well now we're all here --- time to fill you all in!" said Bagman. "When the audience has assembled, I'm going to be offering each of you this bag" --- he held up a small sack of purple silk and shook it. ALL UP IN MY FACE!! --- "from which you will each select a small model of the thing you are about to face! There are different -- er -- varieties, you see. And I have to tell you something else too . . . ah, yes . . . your task is to collect the golden egg!"

Aright, Hagrid told me there'd be dragons. I was told I would be needed to prepare for the unexpected by Moody. But NEVER has anyone told me we were going to have to collect a Solid. Gold. Egg.

"S-Sir, you can't do this can you? I mean, making us face a dragon to get one of his most likely valuable eggs made of gold!!" I panicked.

"How did you know that you were going to face dragons?" He questioned cautiously.





"Well firstly, I can tel because of the arena landmarking. There's also eggs in a hole like thing. And your bag, you weren't shaking it, it was moving on it's own. Lastly, of course all of us champions were researching creatures because that's what we thought you would throw at us first." I answered smoothly. Lamborghini Gallardo . . . . . Okay no, Rose, just no. . . . But it would be a convertible . . . . yeah.

"Okay . . . . . Looks like we need to cover our tracks a bit better." He winked. I suddenly relaxed, that was the best explanation I've ever heard let alone made. "Okay pick from the bag now." He passed the bag around.

Fluer got a Welsh Green. Ewwwwww

Viktor got a Chinese Fireball. Ouch . . . . . . .

Cedric got a Swedish Short-Snout. Ha ha ha, that sounds like a pig.

Harry took a deep breath and dropped his hand only to pull out the Hungarian Horntail. I gasped with tears filling my eyes.

Primrose rolled her eyes. That mean old hag.

The room seemed to stand still. My brother might die today.

"Your turn, girls." Bagman said quietly.

Before Primrose could make a move, I dipped my hand in the bag only to jerk it right back out.

"Something bit me!" I squealed. I dropped my hand in the purple bag again, very carefully. I gripped the dragon under my hand and pulled it out. I gasped at the sight before me.

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