Chapter 16: Just A Filler So You Dont Really Have To Bother

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Hey my stalkers! You didn't think I would forget about that did you? Well, you are wrong. It is two more days till Christmas break and I can't flippin' the pancakes wait!!!!! Ohhh! I'm so excited!

Well anywho, haha that's funny. Anyway, I am currently going to breakfast. I'm skipping down the hall. Here's the doors. At a girl just push them open. You can do it WAHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I OPENED THE GREAT HALL DOORS!!

Okay. I saw my bro sitting and eating some pig. There was me thinking that he liked animals obviously not.

The Weasley boys ate all the pancake so I went to the Hufflepuff table.

"Can I have some pancakes?" I asked some dude who I think is Ernie. Yeah, I'm so awesome with names.

"Sure, sweet thang." he winked.

Well, talk about embarrassing yourself. I walked back over to the Gryffindor table. I are my pancakes in silence. Then........................................

"HEY JENNY WHATCHA DOIN TODAY!?!?" Shouted Alexa the manic.

"Eating pancakes." I responded.

"Don't you have to eat like a birthday breakfast or something?" She asked.

"I would......if it were my birthday." I looked at her like a toddler.

"Oh yeah.....its my Aunt Clarissa's birthday." She said heading out of the hall. Okay now I am officially worried about her future.

"OMG!!!!!!! I CANT BELIEVE WE HAVE CLASSES TWO DAYS BEFORE HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!" I shouted. Don't know why, and I don't care. All I know is I'm not embarrassed.


I am in Minnie's class right now and she's giving us home work for the Holidays.

"Good Godric Minnie, your such a meanie giving us a 5 WHOLE questions for homework.!!!" I exclaimed.

"I know I'm so cruel how do you take it?" She asked sarcasm dripping from her voice.

"Oh I don't know I'm just awesome like that." I retorted. That's how my day went.


I know it's super short but the next chapter is going to be CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!But still check out the song, it's ADORABLE!!!!!😉

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