Chapter Twenty Four

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I opened my eyes and instantly felt the pounding. I couldn't remember how much I'd drank last night, but I could tell it was a lot.

I finally managed to prop myself up on my arms and looked around the room, trying to remember what happened.

Most of the night was a blur, but one thing I couldn't stop thinking about was that girl I'd met last night.

I couldn't remember her name, but I remember spending time with her, laughing with her. She was amazing.

I managed to get out of bed and leaned against the wall as I walked downstairs.

Everything was hurting.

My head was spinning and pounding.

Today wasn't going to be nice.

"Alright sleeping beauty, how you feeling?" Adam shouted with a massive grin on his face, making my head scream with pain.

I was now regretting waking his yesterday. He was going to make me suffer today.

"What happened last night?" I asked him as I fell into the chair at the table. Adam laughed and started pouring me a coffee.

"How much do you remember?" He said, grinning at me.

I thought about it before I answered.

"Performing, you throwing your drink over a girl with red hair, meeting the most perfect girl IN existence, and that's about it".

"Anya?" He said back to me.

"What?" I said back to him, trying to understand what he meant.

He laughed. "Her name. The most perfect girl. Her name was Anya" he said, laughing again.

I couldn't help but smile. I had a name to go with the stunning face I could still see in my head.

"Oh." I said back to him. Still thinking about her.

"Do you know where she is?" I finally asked, trying to sound casual but knowing I wasn't.

He grinned at me.

"Still keen are we?" He said, sitting at the table with me.

"Yes" I said back to him.

He laughed. "Yeah I know where they are" he finally said after a long pause, killing me with the suspense.

"Where?" I asked, finally gathering up the courage to risk a sip of coffee.

He grinned. "Don't you want to know what happened last night?" He said smirking now.

"Was it anything bad?" I asked, worrying that she wouldn't want to see me now.

"You were almost sick" he said, taking a sip of his drink.

"Almost. That's fine. Where is she mate?" I rushed the words out.

"Hotel not far from here. Anya and Carys came back with us, helped you to bed then had a couple of drinks before heading back. Anya came upstairs and sat with you for a while. You were laughing and that. Do you not remember?" Adam said, looking at me as if I was being stupid.

"She was in my room?" I said back to him.

He laughed. "Yeah".

"What hotel?" I rushed out, hoping he would just tell me so we could go there.

"Go get in the shower, get ready and then we'll go. I want to see Carys anyway" he said back to me, finishing his drink.

"Red hair?" I asked, picturing her face.

"That's the one. Sound like a plan to you?" He said, beginning to stand up.

There was no way I wasn't going to see her. Even if I did feel this rancid. I had to see her.

"Give me half an hour and we're off" I said back to him, pushing myself up.

I had to see her.


I could hear a kettle boiling when I finally opened my eyes. I was still shattered from last night. I think I got about 2 hours sleep because of everything.

I sat up, looking around the room.

It was strange, coming here to apologise to Katy and then crashing out on Carys' bed.

I was so pleased Katy had forgiven me. I knew I had to make it up to her today, I was a complete dick and needed her know that I regretted it.

My phone went off beside me making me jump.

4 texts.

Some unreadable drunk text from Ryan.

Max asking whether I'd had a good night.

Adam this morning asking where I was.

And finally the text that made my heart sink.

"I think we need to talk this through. Every time I think about you, I get butterflies. The fact you told me how you felt, said the words I wanted to hear for a long time, but this is just killing me. We can't have anything happen between us, but the fact that your telling me this, texting me you meant it and everything. I just can't do it Andy. I love you to pieces. Speak soon. B xxx".

I couldn't breathe when I read it. Bhakti meant so much to me and I was hurting her.

I opened the text and clicked reply.

"Meet me later? We can talk it through. I don't want to lose you. Xxxx".

We needed to talk it through.

Bhakti replied almost instantly. " :) what time? Xxx".

I couldn't help but smile. She was giving me a chance to make things right.

"I'll pick you up at 6 and we can grab a bite to eat while we talk xxxx" I sent back.

I stood up and checked I looked presentable in the mirror.

My phone went again.

"Sounds perfect. See you later xxx".

I smiled at the text and walked towards the door.

As soon as I opened it, the smell hit me. Coffee, bacon and pancakes.

"Morning. I made some breakfast" Katy said with a massive smile on her face. It was contagious and I couldn't stop myself smiling back at her.

"Smells amazing" I said, sitting down at the breakfast bar infront of her.

She smiled back at me.

My head was so confused right now about what to do. Bhakti and Katy were both in my head, but I was so happy I'd come to sort this out.

"So I was thinking about taking you out for a bit today. Showing you the sights and that" I said as she placed a cup infront of me.

"You don't have to" she said back to me.

I could tell she was still hurt from what I did last night.

"I want too if you'll come with me?" I said, looking into her eyes.

"I'd love that" she said with a massive smile.

Today was going to be full of them, I could tell.

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