Chapter Nineteen

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The car drove for a while until we stopped outside a little restaurant.

I dont know why, but i didnt feel shy around Seev.

Normally, this sort of atmosphere would make me nervous. Just being so close to someone i'd just met, but this was totally different.

I felt i could totally be myself and that was rare these days.

He brought out the best in me.


The car stopped and i rushed to get out first.

Running around the car to open the door for her.

For Lauren.

"Arent you a gentlemen" She said with the biggest smile on her face.


Yes i was.

"Its nothing" i replied, knowing this was a smooth answer.

She smiled and followed me into the little place.

It was cute and i knew she'd love it.

I hadnt know her long but i knew that a massive fuss wasnt her style, she'd much prefer this.

Just us and a couple others.

It was perfect.

I know we only had half an hour or so before we had to head back, but i was going to make the most of every second.


"Wh don yo com bac too" Ryan mumbled.

I literally had no idea what this meant but from my facial reaction, i could only assume that Andy felt sorry for me.

"He said 'why dont you come back too'" Andy said, a massive grin on his face.

"Oh right" i said back to him.

The idea of spending more time with Ryan was amazing but realistically, he was going to just pass out or something.

i looked over at Ryan and he was nodding i think. Maybe he'd just lost the ability to control his head, but i was going to assume he was nodding.

I couldnt work out what to do now.

If i went there, id be stuck until Carys was ready to leave, but what else would i do. Go back to the hotel and sleep. No.

"Do you mind?" i said turning to Carys and Adam.

"Not atall, you can look after him" Adam said with a smug look on his face.

"Thanks" i said back to him before walking towards Ryan and taking him off Jol's hands.

"So whats the plan?" Andy asked, turning to everyone.

"Well, Your going home right Andy? Why dont you drop Joel whereever he's going and i'll take these 3 back?" Adam said back to him.

Panic overtook Joel's face.

"Where are you going Joel?" Bhakti asked.

That was it.

Adam had got Joel in trouble by the looks of it.

"Just to see a mate" He said back to her.

"A mate being?" Bhakti said, a sturn look on her face.

"Just a mate" He said back to her, looking worried.

"Who is this mate" She said a little sharper.

"If you wont tell me your big secret, i wont say mine" he said back to her with a massive grin.

"Shall we just drop it" Andy interupted.

Why was he getting involved.

"Can we get food on the way home?" Ryan managed to mumble out.

"Course babe" i said back to him, trying to listen to what else was going on.

"Yeah drop it" Joel said, looking straight at Bhakti who was looking annoyed.

"Fine" She snapped back at him.

There was an awkward silence in which nobody spoke but there was glares past from person to person.

I wanted to leave and soon.

"Can you drop me home then please Adam?" Bhakti finally broke the silence.

"Course. You going home or staying ours?" He asked her.

"Home" Bhakti replied, looking back at Joel.

"ok" Adam replied.

"Can we go now?" Andy said to everyone and instantly we were on the move.

It was so awkward and it was clear everyone just wanted to get out of here.

And as fast as we could.


We got to my favourite restaurant and walked in.

Sam's hand in mine.

It was small and cute, but it meant so much to me, that i would choose this place over anywhere else.

As we walked in, i saw the owner coming over to us.

"Hello Mr Parker, table for two?" She asked.

"Please" i said back to her before she started walking towards the back and to my table.

i know its crazy that i had a table that was like my regular but one of the best moments of my life hapened there.

We sat down and ordered drinks before my eyes settled on Sam.

She looked incredible.

So stunning and flawless.

Just being around her, i felt like the luckiest guy alive.

"This place is nice" She said, her smile instantly making me smile.

"Yeah, special" i said back to her.

She smiled back at me.

This was it, i had to explain. I took a depth breath before i started to speak.

"I brought you here for a reason. I wanted to bring you somewhere nice, and this is my favorite place. I was sat at this table when i got the phonecall telling me i was in The Wanted and basically its so special to me, and i thought bringing you here, would just make it perfect".

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