Chapter 7 🎓 Graduation (2)

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After the graduation ceremony their middle school life ended. Hanako and Kouhei parted ways like so many other students.

Hanako continuously followed the path to becoming a magical girl in a high school in Tokyo while implementing what she learned from Kouhei.

On the other hand, Kouhei went off to a different city because of his parents' job.

Hanako and Kouhei exchanged contact information because they started to get along with each other over the course of the years. Kouhei would trust her because she earned his respect for what she did. And she would revere his useful advice which he openly gave her, even if they might have been difficult for her to follow at the start of her apprenticeship.

Whenever Kouhei opened his messaging app, he took a look at Hanako's profile. Her picture showed Purinpurin-chan. At times, she couldn't be stopped when informing him about new magical girl related anime and manga releases. In these cases, Kouhei would have written one message while Hanako would have written ten.

It was only after they moved away from each other that Kouhei realized the special bond they had built up together. Sometimes it only becomes clear what you have, once it is lost. But since he would still be able to talk to her via their messaging app, they still managed to nurture their relationship.

One day, Hanako was really energetic about telling him about something she read online, a brand new release she was planning to get. So as usual, she would flood him with images and messages.

Kouhei left the messages unread for a day or two because he was busy with other things at this specific time and because he could already assume what all the notifications would be all about.

Suddenly the notifications stopped. After a while, Kouhei was wondering what happened, so he sent a text himself.

"Whats up?"

Not getting a reply even after quite some while, he composed more messages.

"Have I done something wrong? Are you mad at me? I am sorry."

He tried to get her attention but it was fruitless. 5 messages became 10... 10 messages became 20...

But the blue checkmark which would confirm to him that she read the messages would not be displayed on the screen. Even a day later, even a week later, the messages were still left unread.

He never heard from her again. It was like Hanako just disappeared from this world all of a sudden, no trace being left. What happened to her remained an unsolved secret to him.

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