Important asset [Billy Russo x Reader]

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Title: Important asset 

Pairing: Billy Russo x Female!Reader 

Word count: 3k 

Published: 22 April 2021 

Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore 

Notes: My first Billy Russo fic, I hope it's not that bad :D

Notes: If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. [ ]

Working for Anvil felt like a safe place. After serving your country for years, coming back from your last tour turned out to be more difficult than you could have anticipated. Protecting important personals and working as security wasn't something you wished to do, but after starting the job, working along with people who have been through what you have, your view of the company has changed. The job was different, but the people you worked with have given you more support than anyone, including your family, friends or your therapist for that matter.

Joining Anvil wasn't easy, the requirement process raised some issues that you had to overcome. The physical part didn't offer any difficulty, but the mental exam seemed to present some obstacles. It wasn't until your second try that you have been approved and joined the team. That was when you met Mr. Russo, CEO and founder of Anvil. He was just as handsome as you have heard, and he had a way with words. He was confident and knew just how to use his charm. Even if you wanted to deny your sudden interest in him, you couldn't have.

It seemed that even if he didn't look at you as a woman, he certainly found your abilities interesting. You didn't just become one with the team, a crucial member, but also became one of Billy's most important assets. Having both good communications skills and excellent combat skills meant your worth in Billy's eyes have grown and provided a great deal of opportunity for you to stay beside him. Officially you weren't an assistant, but unofficially, Billy liked to give you a nice amount of work, keeping you close by from early morning to late afternoon or evening, sometimes past 10pm.

"Mr. Russo," you called out to him as you walked behind him in a narrow corridor of the Anvil headquarters. Billy turned around, adjusting his tie with a confident smirk across his face. "I heard you were looking for me," you added as you finally arrived beside him, glancing up at his handsome features, looking very professional in his expensive suit. You wanted to look feminine and pretty, instead of being dirty and sweaty, wearing a pair of tracksuits, but sometimes your work required you to look more worn out than you wished to be. He had a certain aura that kept pulling you towards him, but as confident as you were in your abilities to protect your country and your people, you were just as uncertain about your appearance when you appeared in front of Billy.

"Yes, I have. Care to explain why I can't reach you on your phone?" He asked, his features unimpressed with your lack of availability.

"I was training, I can't possibly bring my phone with me everywhere," you replied frowning, but you quickly adjusted your expressions, before he could have scolded you. It was clear that he wasn't happy with your reply, but he dismissed it after all.

"Come to my office at 1700 hours. I have a couple things to discuss with you," he replied in an authoritative manner.

"I have to train the new recruits at 4," you explained, but he just shook his head.

"Ask someone to replace you," he stated firmly, accepting no objection. But you took your job very seriously and even though Billy was your boss, often you found yourself going against his decisions just to spite him.

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