Welcome home [Ben x Reader]

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Title: Welcome home

Pairing: Ben Barnes x Female!Reader

Word count: 1.5k

Published: 15 May 2021

Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore

Notes: If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. Of course, it's completely your choice, I will continue updating for free anyway :) Thank you <3 [ ko-fi.com/heloisedaphnebrightmore ]

Ben has been away for months shooting his newest movie. You went to visit him once, needing to see him, but since then it was phone calls, video calls and messages only. It was difficult for both of you, but whilst he was busy, you had a simple 9 to 5 job and most of your free time was spent alone, watching some silly romantic movies and fantasising about Ben's return.

However, each time he said he would come back finally, the shooting was extended for further one or two weeks, then again and again. It felt like the universe was against you and him finally seeing each other. You were a strong, independent woman, having a good position at your company, getting paid fairly well. But independence shouldn't equal loneliness and you needed Ben to finally return and wrap his arms around you, holding you close to him.

It's been months since the last time you were able to touch him. You missed leaning against his chest, between his thighs as you watched some fantasy series. You missed his fingers intervening with yours, giving you safety and comfort. The feeling of his kisses you needed so badly had been long gone, but your memory treasured them as though they were your lifeline. His forehead kisses, always soft and sweet, left you pouting as you stuffed a handful of popcorns into your mouth. You sighed as you laid across the sofa, Ben's lack of presence making you sulk like a child.

Taking out your phone from your pocket, you opened your voicemails and clicked on Ben's name. "I'm so sorry for not calling you. It was very late by the time we finished, and I couldn't just wake you up. I'm really sorry, but I will make it up to you, I promise. I will take you to your favourite restaurant, then we will get some cotton candy and we can watch your favourite movie together. Am I being convincing enough?" He asked, chuckling, making you shake your head, earning a soft giggle from you. It has become a habit of yours to listen to his voicemails, needing to hear at least his voice.

You needed him beside you, whispering little nothings in your ear, you needed his touch on your skin, caressing your cheeks, his body against yours, wrapping his arms around your waist, his lips making you forget about anything and everything. His kisses. Those lips could make you forget your own existence for minutes. His lips hovering above yours, your eyes closed in anticipation, impatiently waiting for him to close the gap. He liked to tease you, leave you wanting it more, before he finally attached his lips to yours, making you forget your own name, leaving you addicted to the sensation his lips left on yours.

Thrashing around on the sofa, you groaned at the sight of a kissing couple in the telly. You didn't hate couples, but the lack of physical contact you have had to overcome because of your boyfriend's job left you slightly bitter about all the lovey-dovey couples. Indeed, you were more than slightly bitter, you were jealous. You had a boyfriend, technically speaking, and you loved how much he loved his job, you supported him wholeheartedly, but missing him was certainly a part of his job you found hard to deal with.

Looking down on your attire, you grimaced at your own sight. Wearing a pair of tracksuits with popcorn pieces decorating your shirt made you feel as though you were letting yourself go, only because your boyfriend was working in another country and you couldn't see him. You couldn't let that happen, you were not one to give up on yourself and sink deep into self-pity. Jumping up from the couch you headed to your shared bedroom and opened your wardrobe' doors with slightly more force than you wanted to. Searching around the large number of clothes, none caught your eyes.

Ben Barnes and Characters one shots [x Reader] + photosWhere stories live. Discover now