Whipped [Ben x Reader]

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Title: Whipped

Pairing: Ben Barnes x Female!Reader

Word count: 1.6k

Published: 15 June 2021

Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore

Notes: If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. Of course, it's completely your choice, I will continue updating for free anyway :) Thank you <3 [ ko-fi.com/heloisedaphnebrightmore ]

Rolling from left to right, thrashing around in your bed, you found it difficult to return to dreamland. You tried hard, squeezing your eyes shut, focusing on your breathing, but instead of falling into a deep slumber, your eyes shot open. Groaning slightly, you turned to your left, meeting your boyfriend's ever so handsome face, his features calm and soft, his breathing even.

As you watched his relaxed form, you lifted a hand and ran your fingers through his already messy hair, falling in various directions. It wasn't hard to fall for him, he was an absolute sweetheart who always made sure to lighten the mood when people seemed tense. He always knew just the right words to make you feel safe and treasured. His cheeky comments made you smile with a silly expression, falling head over heels for him repeatedly.

Ben had a certain personality that made everyone feel at ease and even if you wanted to, you couldn't deny how easy it was to be captured by his genuinely kind heart. Without realising, you fell for the man. You never imagined your feelings would ever be reciprocated, but as you laid beside him in your shared bed, watching him in his deep slumber, feeling safe and comfortable around you, it made you feel proud. Giving him a safe place where he could be himself and just let loose of all the boundaries he had to keep up because of his fame was exactly what you wanted to offer him. As he laid besides you, soundly sleeping as you caressed the side of his face, running your fingers through his messy, but soft locks, you couldn't stop a content smile from forming across your face. His mere presence made you feel as though you won the lottery.

"Am I that handsome?" his hoarse morning voice made you jump. He chuckled playfully, causing tiny crinkles to appear beside his closed eyes.

"Excuse me?" you asked, still startled by his unexpected reaction. Lifting a hand, you placed it in front of your heart, trying to organise you irregular breathing.

"Do you really think I can't feel you staring at me? You are basically burning a hole in my face," he grinned proudly, knowing just how much you loved forgetting your eyes on him. As silly as it was to think of such things, you often found yourself wondering what could you have possibly done in a previous life to find a man as sweet and kind as Ben was. Foolish of a thought, but sometimes you questioned if he was even aware of how wholesome of a person he was and how easy it was for others to feel comfortable around him with a simple soft smile, not even a word leaving his lips.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," you replied in a faux surprise as if his words weren't true. As if you didn't stare at him for the past 20 minutes, contemplating how deeply in love you were. As if waking up beside him, seeing his handsome face as you opened your eyes for the first time that day didn't make you the happiest person.

"Do you take me for a fool?" he asked, finally opening his dark eyes, his sleepy gaze capturing you, leaving your mind empty, only focusing on the man beside you. You wished to be able to turn away, but you were incapable of doing so. He made you feel as though you were addicted to him, even if it sounded wrong.

"I would never," you replied with an innocent smile. "Though you do have dumb moments," you added with a silent scoff, earning a blank expression from Ben. Shaking his head, he shimmied closer to you, sneaking an arm around your waist, earning a soft sigh to leave you lips.

Ben Barnes and Characters one shots [x Reader] + photosWhere stories live. Discover now