Chapter 3

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A/N: Hi! This has actually gotten some attention which I didn't really expect, but thank you so much! I'm writing this chapter on my computer, hopefully it's a little longer than when I wrote on my phone.

Chiaki's gaming was interrupted not even 15 minutes later by Soda-san again. Not even homeroom and he kept pestering her. It was alright though, she was one of the only people in the class who could actually stand him.

"Hinata disappeared and now I'm really really bored! Also, I think we gotta get to homeroom soon," The mechanic let himself be more emotional around Chiaki, so she could see obvious tears streaming down his face because he didn't find Hinata-san, "Why are you even out here? Don't you usually stay inside a closet or something gaming?"

There was a pause.

"Oh my god, are you staying out here to meet someone? Like a crush?!"

"Well, sort of..."

"Nanami-san has a crush?!"

"No- Soda-san-"

"I need to tell everyone!! Hinata is gonna be so excited, dude!"

"Soda-san, stop! It's not a crush, I was talking with someone interesting.. I think."

"You think? Who was it? Spit it out! Nanami-san has a cruuushh!!" 

Soda was met with a small glare.

"Do you recall the Kamukura project? When Hope's Peak attempted to make an artificial person who had all known talents?"

Soda-san nodded. "Yeah, wasn't it like, a rumor?"

 "It's not... probably. I'm pretty sure I met the experiment last night..."

"It's not a rumor?! Hell yeah! She looked hot! Do you think she'd like me back?! Please say yes!!" 

Chiaki giggled a little bit. "He's a boy."


Soda-san hid some of his face in his beanie, swearing a little and repeatedly saying 'how did I not realize that?!' Chiaki just smiled and pat his shoulder a little bit. It was quite obvious he liked guys the same way he liked girls.

Stuttering, and still a flustered mess, he got out, "W-We should just get to class."

. . . 

Lunch time.
The cafeteria was bustling with students. 
Chiaki absolutely hated this, and always got a little nervous whenever students from classes 70-80 entered the cafeteria and started chatting with friends at all once. Being more of an antisocial girl, she was never one to talk to people. Some people from Class 77 always invited her to sit with them, but she always denied and usually did something else.

She had no game plan for today, as it wasn't any different, so she just quickly went up to Hanamura-san to get some lunch. After Hanamura-san shot a horribly worded pickup line her way, she just muttered 'Thank you' with a flustered face and dashed out of the cafeteria. 

Standing in the hallways was actually decently nice. There was nobody around that would bother her, as all of the other classes were, well, in class right now. The hall was silent, because only the antisocial kids came here to eat their lunch. Chiaki was honestly surprised that there wasn't a surplus of kids here just like in the cafeteria. The staff always let the students go in the hallways if they wished.

Chiaki must've been lost in her thoughts, because she ended up at the basement door. Students were heavily told not to go into the basement unless they had classes there, and if they did go, they always had to go to the left once they reached the bottom of the stairs. They were never allowed to go right.

Chiaki decided to break these rules.

Sighing and risking her class representative title, she quickly looked around for any staff members.
It was all clear.

Opening the door quietly, she snuck through and got onto the first stair, cautiously closing the door behind her. It was eerie down here. She had never ever had any classes here, this was only for the neurologists and people in the medical field to be. 

Getting down to the bottom of the stairs, she stumbled a little bit with her lunch. Jumping and making sure that she didn't spill anything so she didn't get caught, she quietly turned right and then paced down the hallway. There was a small echo her footsteps made, and she could barely see due to the dim lighting. 

After what was like an eternity, she accidentally bumped into something. It was wooden, it felt like a door, honestly. So, she took out her Nintendo and used the light from it to look at the door.

"Kamukura Project".

So this was where they were keeping him.

She looked around, before putting her Nintendo away. Then she delivered a small knock.

"You're not welcome."

"Oh.. sorry."

There wasn't a response, but suddenly, the door was open. Kamukura appeared in front of her, wearing a torn up teal bathrobe. He clearly didn't like the thing on him.

Instead of getting mad or telling her to go away, he quietly said, "Come in."

What an odd change of mood.

Walking in, she went to a little chair in the corner and started eating.

He closed and locked the door, before sitting down on his bed. 
If you'd even call it a bed.
It was a shredded, torn up mattress with springs poking out. You could see what didn't survive of the bathrobe on the bed, and scattered around it.

Chiaki gulped, before nervously stating, "Hey.. um.. sorry for coming in on you... Kamukura-san, so unexpectedly."

"I will take a guess. You disliked the bustling lunch atmosphere? So you came to explore the basement due to a curiosity? And you are probably wondering the reason I locked the door, yes?"

He kind of laid on the mattress, his hair covering his terrifying eyes.
"I am not planning to do anything bad to you. I simply dislike the doctors and nurses constantly checking on me."

Chiaki just nodded and sighed of relief. He did answer all her questions.
"Thanks. Do you... want some food?"


Chiaki just nodded and quietly ate while looking at the ground. This was awkward, and it didn't help that they were both already antisocial.

Chiaki decided to start a conversation.
"Why did you let me in, though? And what do you want to do here?"

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