Quick Author's Note

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Hello everyone!!! Story should start up in the next few days. :)

I can't continue it tonight because it's 2:30am, I can barely type and I'm really tired but also not.

This note will have quick spoilers for the story, but I did want to clear some Izuru backstory that I made up! Huge cw for medical stuff!!
This will be revealed in the story later.

Basically, since he had to be the “perfect” being for Hope’s Peak, like they wanted him to have every talent
I feel like they wouldn’t just like cultivate his mind/perfect his body and be like “you’re all set have fun yay bye! :D”
I think they’d do a lot of like testing on him? To make sure he’s perfect
Like severe testing too
Not to mention they’d probably have to give him hormones a lot, which would mean that they’d have to inject shit into him constantly (maybe every other day)
So because of this he developed an underlying fear of touch and will probably throw anyone who touches him

Also his emotions! Basically if izuru wasn’t hajime and had to be completely artificial, I feel like they wouldn’t just leave him without emotions since that’s a whole like part of the brain if I’m remembering correctly? They’d just make these emotions extremely repressed which means that possible trauma from constantly getting tested/checked up on would also be repressed
That means that he’d be extremely unstable from the beginning and since he’s an unstable and most likely illegal experiment, they’d have to keep him isolated in like a room
Also he considers that taking full care of himself to be boring so that mixed with his body’s negative reaction to hormones keeps him in an extremely poor state, he’d most likely have bags under his eyes and probably very bandaged arms under his tuxedo that he messily put together
Also a random detail! There was probably a point where he couldn’t take it and ripped apart the like tealish bathrobe he’s shown in at his reveal because he couldn’t take the memories from when he was cultivated (to explain his attire in part 3)

and yeah that’s a lot of the background I thought up for him it’s very messy because it’s random ideas I thought of! Also this was explained messily in a discord chat so it's not the best explained. I'll try to answer questions in the comments!

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