Chapter 8

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 *Song for the chapter~ Bittersweet symphony*

''I'm a million different people from one day to the next''

⚠Just a filler. You can skip this one if you want. Cause I literally didn't know what to write⚠


                                               Emily's P.O.V

I took deep a breathe before knocking on Dr. Lee's door today. She opened the door and let me in.

I went and sat down on my usual spot. I looked at her and she gave me the look. Oh god. This was the same look she gave me when she told to me to play the piano.

''Today we're going to do something fun'' she stated.

Oh no, I have a feeling it's going to be something we hate

Her idea and our idea of fun are very different things

I groaned.

''Hey, you're going to enjoy this'' she said after watching my reaction.

She suddenly picked something up and bought it towards me


It was a canvas.

''We'll be painting, well you will be painting today'' she said

''I'm not very good with paints or anything related to art'' I said

She looked at me and I knew at that point she had a very good comeback for me''

''Well I'm no Picasso and I don't know about you, but what's the harm in trying. What have you got to lose?'' she gave me the canvas and I took it from her. Like she said I've got nothing to lose here anyways.

She soon bought a stand and some paints and brushes.

She took the canvas and placed it on the stand. Later she gave me the paints and the brushes.

I had no idea on how to do it. It was easier to say things but difficult to actually do.

Just open the paints and do it

Stop making a big deal out of it. It's just painting why are you making a big deal out of it.

''Emily?'' I looked up at Dr. Lee

''You don't have to do it if you don't want to. I'm not forcing you''

She thinks you're stupid

Which you are and now she's realized it

''No I'll do it'' I said quietly.

I opened the paint box and dipped in the paint brush. As I bought the paint brush on the canvas I realized my hands were shaking. So there was just a weird stroke of black on the white canvas.

Way to go Emily you ruined it

Yes you ruined it like you always do.

I took another colour blue, or probably red and tried to paint it but no luck. It came out as a weird line. Wait can't even call it a line, it's a little wavy. My hands keep shaking so much but I don't stop. I used different colours even though they just come out as splashes and stripes on the canvas. I still go on. After a while my hand started aching.

This looks terrible

You should throw this, it's waste

I stopped and looked at it. They were right.

''I like the colours'' dr. lee said softly.

I looked up at her '' You do? Thanks.''

''Can I keep it?'' she asked slowly

As if we need this shit



Chapter dedicated to twoo of the most amazing artists I know...

diyaspectrum one of the most level headed teenagers  I have mett on the internettt...  The fact that our conversations are always funn and sometimes even deep.. we never get awkward whiille textingg... maybe becausee we haveee soo muchh in commonnn..... you're the  yasminaaa to my jannaa ;) Thanksss forr everythinggg!!! 

 yeetingtohell dudeee your artt accounttt is amazingg!!! alsooo we shareee veryy similar tastes in music and tv shows (u know what I'm talking abouutt) You're one of those rare people from school that I somehow still talkk too.. Frankly I didn't knoww u had an account heree... good to see u heree.. takee careee dudee!! Thankss for everythingg!!


I knoww this one was kindaa boringgg


Thanksss for readinggg Takee caree everyonee



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P.S that'ss thee paintingggg

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