Chapter 12

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Song for the chapter ~ You've got it in you

'You should know what you got cause you got it in your fingertips''


                                          Emily's P.O.V

''Sam, Annie can I speak to Emily privately?'' Dr. Lee asked.

My mom left immediately.

''It'll be alright Em. Listen to Dr. Lee '' my dad kissed my cheek and left.

''Firstly Emily, No you are not mental'' she said confidently.

''No, doctor don't fool me. I hear things. I see things that aren't supposed to be seen. I can't think, I'm always doubting people, I don't have any motivation to do anything. What's the point in all of this? What's the point of me?'' I screamed the last part.

''It's good to see you express yourself like that'' she nodded appreciatively.

''The reaction you are having is normal. Look Emily it's not your fault or anyone's fault that you've got schizophrenia. You're more than this disease. I think there's a reason for everything. Emily you didn't choose this, the same way you didn't choose the way you look and the way you sound. But do you let that bother you? This illness doesn't define you. Sure it's going to be tough but I assure you that you will make it through, you know why? Because you've got it in you!''

I was shocked. Not a lot of people told this to me. Wait. No ones ever told this to me.

''Thank you'' I said sincerely.

For an hour Dr. lee asked me a few mandatory questions. But her main focus was on the voices. She asked what they usually told and I replied honestly. Ironically I didn't hear them ever since I woke up. Its been quiet inside my head. Too quiet and I was getting suspicious.

''Okay Emily, I'm not giving you any medications now. But I'll soon prescribe them to you. I can discharge you if you don't want to spend the night here'' she laughed.

''No I don't'' I replied and rolled my eyes.

''I'll go and speak to your parents then?''

''Ya it's fine'' I replied

Just then I heard a knock on the door.

''Come in'' dr. lee commanded. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw her come in. After everything I thought she must have forgotten about me


Thoughttss on thisss onee?

Thank youu soo much forr readingggg this book has only got like three or fourr chaptersss to gooo..

Takeee careee everyoneee


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