Chapter 11

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*Song for the chapter~ Ghost in the wind

''Why does everything I love always get taken away?'' 


                                          Emily's P.O.V

I could feel some sort of light. I struggled and opened my eyes. It wasn't very bright, I was in some sort of hospital. My parents and Dr. Lee entered the room through the door.

''What am I doing in a hospital? What happened?'' I attacked them with questions.

''Calm down em'' my dad said.

''How are you feeling Emily?'' Dr. Lee asked.

''Why am I in a hospital?'' I asked them.

My parents looked at each other and then looked at Dr. Lee.

''I think I'm going to sit for this one'' my dad went towards a chair and sat down. My mother followed him. I turned towards Dr. Lee they were all starting to scare me now.

''Can somebody tell me what is going on?''

''How much do you remember Emily?'' Dr. Lee asked me. 

''Not much, I told about the accident in school and then I think I saw Dylan there as well. But I don't remember anything after that''

''Okay Emily, when you saw that file what happened?'' Dr. Lee questioned.

Suddenly the memories of all those words on the file I shaked my head '' What do you mean?''

''What did you feel when you read it Emily?'' she said impatiently.

I couldn't keep it in me anymore. I guess this was my breaking point.

''I–I was a little angry and sad. I felt like I was a failure. And I sort of am one''

''Who told you that Emily? '' my father asked

''Umm-'' I looked towards Dr. Lee and she nodded slowly.

''The voices''

''What voices? Why didn't you tell us before'' my mom questioned.

''I don't know what you want me to tell you mom'' I snapped at my mom

''Emily can you tell me something about these voices? Is it a man or a woman? Are they always the same?'' Dr. Lee asked curiously.

''Sometimes it's a man sometimes it's a woman. They keep talking and talking it just gets frustrating and I just can't zone it out sometimes'' I told them

''Thank you for your honesty Emily'' Dr. Lee said softly.

''You still didn't answer my question'' I said disappointingly.

''Okay Emily , I need you to listen to me and try to breathe ok?'' Dr.Lee said cautiously

Ok now I was scared this was definitely something serious..

''You had a psychotic episode Emily'' she said.

''What?'' I screamed.

''Emily calm down'' my dad said sternly.

''You were talking to yourself Emily. You saw someone who wasn't even there. Dylan wasn't in the room today'' Dr.Lee said

''You're lying'' I stated

''I told your parents you would say that. There's a camera in my room and a audio recorder. I mixed the audio and the video just five minutes ago. Here take a look your parents already saw it'' she came towards me and gave her phone towards me.

I switched on the video and there I was pacing around the room lost in my world. Talking. She was right. Dr. lee tried to talk to me in the video but I was just pacing in the room like a maniac. Maniac.

The phone was taken from me and the video got paused I looked up and saw it was my father.

''Enough of this just get to the point Gemma!!'' my dad ordered her.

''Right, ok Emily I wasn't sure before but after the analyzing your symptoms I think you have schizophrenia'' she said slowly.

''What's that?''

''Schizophrenia means splitting of the mind. But it's got nothing to do with split personality disorder. Nothing makes sense for a person suffering from schizophrenia. The exact cause of schizophrenia isn't known, but a combination of genetics, altered brain chemistry and structure may play a role. There's positive, negative and cognitive symptoms. Now the four major symptoms are hallucinations, dellusions,   disorganised behaviour and speech. Note that the symptoms may vary from person to person. Schizophrenics have trouble with thinking and it's hard for them to communicate with people''

''How are you so sure? Mom, dad do you believe all this?'' I asked curiously.

''Umm Emily there's something we need to tell you'' my dad looked at mom slowly and then looked back at me.

''Don't do it Sam'' my mom urged.

''Sooner or later we have to tell her Annie!!''

''What is it?'' I asked

''Well.. umm Emily my mother and sister both suffer from schizophrenia. I used to take care of them all the time. I didn't allow you to meet them because I was afraid. I was afraid that you would get affected by it'' she finished.

I looked at Dr. Lee something tells me she already knew about this. They all looked at me expectantly waiting for me to respond. I didn't know how to respond.

''I don't know what to say? so you're saying that I've been imagining things?'' I looked at Dr. Lee.

''Not everything Emily. Just specific things for example you and Dylan'' she stated.

All of it was just a lie. It was just my brain playing tricks with me.

''Is this real? Are you real?'' I felt like I was losing it again.

''Emily relax, we're all real. Take a deep breathe dear'' Dr. Lee said soothingly.

I obeyed her. After a few deep breathes I soon realized something

''I'm mental aren't I?''


Are you all confused?

It's a lot to take in  I knoww.. I took itt wayyy tooo fasttt.. I'mm sorryyy about thatt... 

Anywayss, Thankkk youu forr readinggg.... take careee


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