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"Peeta." His name faintly escape between my lips, as i woke. Its not the shock of my unfamiliar surroundings, but the heat of the room, fully wakes me up, and makes me notice... I'm nowhere familiar.

My body aches as i rise to my feet as I look to the white concrete floor and see outline of my body made from sweat...

No window's, pericing bright lights illuminate the room, a small thin blanket and bed, all enclosed behind the clear glass door... I would have walked right through it if the flicker of mepy reflection hadn't caught my attention. Running to it and try the handle. Its locked. I peer out past the bars and see similar doors going both ways.

"Hello?" I call out, my voice is raspy.I get no answer, so I call out again. And several times after, till my throat is raw.

Giving up, I sit near the center of my cell, trying to recall the most recent of my memories...

I was... At the quarter quell... I was.. With Finnick and Johanna and beetee... Mags, Wiress... Peeta. The thought of him made my heart skip a beat. Could he be here to? But if he is, he must of not heard me calling out, earlier...

,"Ms.Everdeen." An eerie voice calls out from behind me, I never even heard the door open. When I turn I see President Snow above me, the last person I want to see.

"Were am I?" Icroak.

"The Capitol, Ms.Everdeen. Now I have quite a few things I would like to discuss with you. I have absolutely no time for games."

Not unless your watching them, I think to myself. I nod yes.

"So you are aware of the uprisings in the districts," I nod." Because of you failure at an atempt to put out the sparks you created, before you went into the games, it has spread into fire that is wildly growing into an inferno. Do you understand?"

"Yes." I whisper, mostly because that is all I can think of to say.

"Good. So I have arranged for you to do propaganda for my side of this war. You will read what is given to you and you will act as if the care you receive is excellent. That you are perfectly fine." His voice growing in intensity with every word.

I know this will hurt to speak, but I have to ask,"Where is Peeta?"

"In 13." He plainly says.


"Yes 13. He is the rebels symbol of peace. You will be going against him." He is safe! And for right now that's all I could hope for... Except for the fact that I am not.

Snow, turns and heads for the door, but pauses."And if you ever pull a stunt like you did in the arena..." He chuckles." May I just wish the best of luck, for what will happen."

He then head a back for the door, leaving me in the stiffiling hot cell... Alone.

Re Re wrote chapter 7°11°15...

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