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Friday at lunch in school

"Hey guys pool party today at 5 I got weed too so we can get highhh" Kobe said. Everyone was going to be there.

At the party

I wore the same bathing suit as the other day and so did Kobe. My bestfriends texted me that they were here I was so excited. "HEY GIRLIESSS COME ON LETS GO" I yelled brining them to the back. I seen Kobe mike vallyk Jacob and Derek in a corner smoking. As soon as we got to the pool we all jumped in. "Ooo who are these ladies" vallyk said. "These are my besties Star and skai and they are single" I said. "He kinda cuteee" Star said. "I like the one in the back" skai said pointing at derek. Derek and vallyk got them out the pool and they sat on their lap. "oooo y'all got mans now" I yelled and everyone laughed. Later at night more people came the pool was lit up.

 Later at night more people came the pool was lit up

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What it looked like:

I seen Kobe go in the house I haven't talked to him all day. I go in the house and see him making out with his ex Monroe. I didn't know what to do so just froze I saw them walk back into me and Kobe's room. Wtf is going on. Soon star skai and the boys come in. "Hey bestfriend why you leave" skai asked me. "Come here quietly tho" I said they all looked at each other confused.

I walked to me and Kobe's room and heard moaning. "Oh shit someone having sex in yall room hahah" vallyk whispered to us. "That's Monroe and kobe" I started to cry trying to be quiet. "What?!" Mike yelled then burst in the room and we all saw Kobe on top of Monroe. They were both naked and tried to cover themselves up quickly. "I'm so sorry dream you know I didn't mean to-" I cut Kobe off. "YOU KNOW WHAT KOBE IM DONE I DON'T CARE ABOUT THIS RELATIONSHIP ANYMORE I MIGHT AS WELL BE WITH MIKE HE TREATS ME WAY BETTER THEN YOU" I yelled at him causing people to stare. "You know what bitch he doesn't care because he has me and I will treat him better than you ever could he doesn't like broke bitches anyways" Monroe butted in "Come on let's go" star said to me flipping Kobe off. We all walked away and kobe closed to door.

I walked away crying. "Hey hey wipe your tears you're too pretty to cry." Mike said and it made me smile. "I'm sorry dream if I knew I would've did something" Derek said. "It's ok guys I just..I think I just need to leave let's go to mikes house" I say.

Everyone agrees and we all go to mikes house. I get many text from Kobe saying he's sorry and that he won't do it again. "Don't fall into his trap dream" skai and Star says at the same time. "I know I know I won't" I said back. "Hey let's watch a movie to get our minds off of that" vallyk says. Me and the girls all go get in some clothes vallyk and Derek also stay there so skai and Star gets into there clothes and I get into mikes we all put on their sweats. I lay against mike star lays against vallyk and skai lays against Derek. A few minutes later skai and Derek starts making out while we all watch and mike starts touching all over me.

Soon the movie and over and everyone goes in their rooms and the girls go in the boys and I go in mikes. "Mike will you be my boyfriend?" I say out no where. "Of course princess" he said kissing my head. Princess..i love that name😍

A/N: how was your day today?🥲

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