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"Bullshit have fun being parents I guess I'm leaving also Dream I think you should go back and live with him..cuz I'm breaking up with you" mike said as he walked away. My eyes started to fill up with tears. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT" I yelled at Kobe.

I walked to my car and started crying in the drivers seat then I saw Star and skai knocking at the windows and I let them in. Skai sat in the front and Star sat in the back. "What the hell dream.." skai said. "Why did you lie to us..?" Star said. "I don't know why I lied about the doing it with kobe thing but I just found out I was pregnant today I swear" I said back next think you know kobe was at the window. "What nigga" (yes I'm black) skai said rolling down her window. "Umm she was my ride" he said. "Walk" I said. "Are you serious?!" He yelled. "Yes walk I'll meet you at home I guess since Mike is mad at me" skai rolled up the window in his face to make him mad. He walked away and flipped us off. "Let's go to mikes house to make this right ok" Star says leaning in the front.

I say ok and we drive to mikes house. I knock on the door and Derek opens in. "Oh Star and skai come in umm dream I don't think mike wants you here" "seriously derek I just need to talk to him he just walked away" I begged him. "What does she want" I heard mike yell from the back. "She wants to talk can she come in..?" Derek asked. I guess he shook his head because I didn't hear him say yes, Derek let me in. I saw mike at the kitchen in his head on the counter. "Hey babe can we talk, just us though" I asked him nicely. "I'm not your babe anymore but sure let's go I guess" I said obviously he still was really mad at me.

We go in his room and I sit on his bed. "Why didn't you tell me you could've Atleast told me that happened I would've been understanding" he said sitting next to me. "No you wouldn't have" "ok maybe but I still wanted you to be honest with me. I'm not really mad anymore because I know it was a mistake and you don't have to raise the baby with Kobe raise it with me" he said back. "Mike I don't think we are going to work I think we should stay as friends.." "oh..ok well umm thanks for talking to me I guess" his voice cracked. I saw tears in his eyes that he forced back. "Ok well I'm going to go love you...as friends" I said walking to the door. "Mmhh as friends"

I walked out and told star and skai what we said. "But I loved y'all together!" Star said. "For real are you sure this is what you want to do?" Skai asked me. "Yes hopefully now that we have a child he will change" I said.

I went back to Kobe's house and didn't see him there. I fell asleep on our bed and a couple hours later I woke up from him coming home. "Where were you? You smell like weed" "yea I smoked a bit I just needed to get the situation off my mind" "umm ok sleep on the couch I don't want to talk to you right now" "but you just did" "shut up kobe I'm still mad that you just blurted that out without my consent it wasn't your news to tell" "ok dream" Kobe walked out and rolled his eyes grabbing a pillow and a cover.

That lil bitch🙄

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