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I go downstairs to get my keys to leave. "Kobe what do I do with my old car?" I yell cuz he's in the living room and I'm in the kitchen. He gets up "oh umm...WOW you are gorgeous" "Thank you sir" I said doing a little spin. "I'll take care of it you just have a good time" he said. "Okay bye kobe love you" I said oh I said I love you I'm so used to saying it. "You love me?" Kobe asked. "NO but yes I'm just used to saying it I didn't mean to" I said. "Oh ok well bye" "bye" I walk out to my car and go pick up the girls.

At star skai Derek mike and vallyks house

(I forgot to mention after school they moved together and Dream lived with them too but obv she moved out)

I go in because the girls said they weren't ready yet. "Hey guys" I look around and see if I see mike and i don't it's just Derek and vallyk on the couch. "Heyy birthday bitchhh" Derek said. "Yoo wassup dream happy birthday" vallyk said giving me a hug. "Thanks vallyk, hey Derek" I say. "The girls are in their room" vallyk told me. "Thanks"

I go to their room and I see mike. "hey happy birthday dream you look nice" mike says looking down. "Thanks Mike" "BESTIEE HII" skai yells. "Happy birthday a bitch finally 18 how are you guys" Star ask. "Oh me and kobe are fine" I say. "Girl you and the baby" skai says laughing. "Oh ahah I forgot we are good I went to the doctors" I say. "Ok well im going to leave I don't want to get in the middle of y'all girl talk thing" mike says leaving the room. "Okay bye mike" Star says. "Omg girl he still likes you" she says continuing. "What?! I don't think he does" I say sitting down the bed. "Umm no he definitely still likes you he couldn't even look you in the eyes" skai says sitting next to be now that she was done getting ready. "For real but okay I'm done we can leave now" Star says. "okay then let's go I'm readyyy" I get up and start twerking and we all laugh.

We leave and go to a party one of my acquaintances we're having. We couldn't go to a club since we couldn't legally drink. We walk into the party and all I hear is "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DREAM" everyone came out it was all my friends vallyk Derek kobe and even mike was there too. "Wow thank you I didn't know you guys would show up I thought you'd still be mad" I said laughing. "Nah you're out friend even tho we don't like the choices you make an-" vallyk got cut off by Derek "and the guys you choose" "yea that you're still our friend dream" mike said coming up to give me a hug "I love you guys" I say. "We love you" everyone says. Somehow someone bought drinks and we started drinking. It wasn't just us it was a few other people like devyn angel jaiden and Monroe (and more) because that was devyns friend. "Happy birthday dream" Monroe said with a smirk. "Thanks" I said fake smirking walking away.

A few minutes later me and my girls favorite song came on and we all immediately started twerking and dancing. I haven't seen Kobe since I walked in. I walk to go look for him and I see him and Monroe talking. "Monroe you're a hoe ok I don't want you" Kobe told her it seems a little private so I walked away. "Where Kobe?" Skai asked. "Talking to Monroe" I answered. "Mm let's see if he bangs her again" Star laughs. "Oh here she comes she looks mad" skai says and I turn around.

"You fucking bitch" Monroe yells pouring her drink on me. "What...the...HELL" I yell. "What the fuck bitch" skai yelled. "Oh nah beat her ass" Star says. Soon we create a circle me and Monroe in the middle yelling. "WHY DID YOU TAKE HIM FROM ME" she yelled. I saw someone pushing through the crowd to get to the front and it kobe "what is happening?" He asked. I didn't even answer his question I just got on top of Monroe and started punching her like crazy my hands started to get red and soon started to bleed. "YOU FUCKING BITCH MADE ME FIGHT ON MY BIRTHDAY" I yelled while on top of her *pause..* Kobe sat there and laughed. "Ahahah yes beat her ass" soon skai and Star pulled me off because I was hurting her too much. "My hair..why on my birthday and IM PREGNANT" I yelled everyone gasped I forgot not many people knew. I heard whispers in the back. "Kobe you got her pregnant..??!" She yelled. "No she's playing hahaha" he laughed lying.

This nigga....

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