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RECAP: Dream and Monroe got into a fight on dreams birthday and dream yelled out she got pregnant and kobe told everyone that she was lying..

"What do you mean I'm lying I took a test? Are you embarrassed?" I yelled in Kobe's face asking him. "Dream you are making a big deal out of nothing" Kobe says trying to pull me out of the crowd. "Let my hand go you dumb fuck I'm so tired of you why did you lie?" I yell while everyone is still watching. "I lied because I'm ashamed of myself ok everyone else is doing big things and I don't want to be known as the guy who got someone pregnant at 17 turning 18" Kobe said bursting into tears. "Okay come on Kobe"

I walk Kobe outside into my car. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to cry" he said wiping his tears. "It's ok Kobe I love you" I say "I love you too Dream" he grabs my face and kisses me. I get into the passenger seat and sit on top of him. *KNOCK KNOCK* someone knocked on my window. "Umm Dream you good we still in here waiting for you to come back inside for YOUR party and you out here bout to get railed in a car.." skai says. "I'm sorry I'll go back and I'm not gonna do that while I'm pregnant"

One week later.

Kobe's POV:

Every since Dream has been pregnant I've been kinda thinking about having a baby and I feel like it would be too much for us to handle. I want her to stay but I don't want the baby anymore. I don't want to hurt her and tell her that though. I'm just gonna slip a plan B into her drink. I'm so smart then she'll think the baby died on its own. She can't find out though. I go to the store and get the plan B and make her some lemonade while she's upstairs.

I bring her the lemonade. "Here baby I made you some lemonade I know how much you love it" I say. "Thank you. You have been so helpful you'll be a great dad to be honest I can't wait to have the baby it's gonna be like a mini me or a mini you" she said back. Oh shit I'm feeling guilty she wants the baby. "Wait I think there is something wrong with this lemonade" I say trying to take it back. "It's fine" she says and drinks THE WHOLE THING.

"See? It tasted fine please don't get too ever protective" she said. "Umm dream that had a plan b in it WAIT before you speak let me explain myself because I can already see you look like you wanna slap me. I didn't want the baby to be too much for us to handle so I put plan b in your drink but now that you said you wanted it I was picturing us and I know what I did was really bad I'm so so sorry" I say. "Kobe...thank you" "wait what you're not going to slap me or leave?" I'm surprised "No I wouldn't really care if I had the baby but I really didn't want it like you said too much to handle and I want to have a kid later on and now that you've killed my child I don't have to say I did because you did it for me thank you" she said I'm so glad she's not mad.."umm ok well you wanna cuddle now all of a sudden it's like all of our problems or over with" "yea kobe come here" she says. I lay on her chest and we watch a movie.


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