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"Xavier stop it's in my eye!" Xavier was currently trying to bath me but can't even do it properly as he kept putting shampoo in my eye "Luella stay still then," he said frustrated

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"Xavier stop it's in my eye!" Xavier was currently trying to bath me but can't even do it properly as he kept putting shampoo in my eye "Luella stay still then," he said frustrated

"Why are you both shouting? I can hear you from downstairs" Adri said coming into the bathroom and looking at us

"Tell Xavier to be careful!" I shouted

"Xavier you can't even bathe a kid," Adriel said shoving Xavier away "Not my fault she's acting like some baby," he said wiping his hands

"I am not a baby!" I yelled,

"Oh my god princess I can hear you from downstairs, what's wrong?" Xander said walking in

"Xander you give me a bath please" I begged "Both you get out, you can't even give the princess a bath"

"Actually yes we can, she just won't stay still," Xavier said rolling his eyes

"Okay shut up and get out," Xander said

Once Xander nicely gave me a bath which I was grateful for, I went and changed into my pyjamas and then walked downstairs so Xander could do my hair "Xander" I whined sitting on his lap "Yes princess?" he said

"My hair?" I questioned "What do you want? braid or ponytail?" he asked me

"Braid please!" I shouted, he just chuckled and started braiding my hair without hurting me

"Hey, Xander?" I suddenly spoke up "Hmm?" he just hummed

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked, he just looked at me "No why?" he asked,

"I think Adriel has a secret girlfriend" I whispered to him since Adriel was probably in the kitchen

"You never know princess, but he will only love you the most," he said moving my little hairs away from my face and kissing my cheeks

"Xander stop it tickles!" I shouted in between laughs then he stopped "I love hearing your laughs princess" he said hugging me tightly till someone suddenly got me out of Xanders hold

"Babe you're one crazy girl" it was Xavier "Leave me alone!" I said trying to get out of his hold "No." he replied,

"Xander help me please!" I shouted but then, Xavier started running upstairs

"Where are you taking me?" I yelled at him "No need to shout babe, I'm taking you to my room to watch a movie" he said,


"Luella stop shouting in my ear babe, and yes really," he said patting my bum then putting me on his bed

"Now what movie do you want?" he asked me "frozen?" he added on, I nodded my head then went and sat in between his legs with my back on his chest "I like frozen," I said

"Yea?" he said kissing my head "Yup it's my fave, mummy and I always watched it"

When she said that, my heart dropped; she didn't know where mum was or where she had gone, she just left all of a sudden

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When she said that, my heart dropped; she didn't know where mum was or where she had gone, she just left all of a sudden.

Ella had fallen asleep halfway through the movie so I gently picked her up as I got up and laid her down properly on my bed while I went to smoke on the patio.

"What's wrong now," a voice said from behind me, I turned around and saw Adriel with a glass of whiskey in his hand and a cigarette on the other walking towards me

"Nothing," I said taking a puff of my cigarette and blowing it. We both leaned against the rail looking at the skyline "Clearly something is bothering you" he said "Is it Luella?" he added on downing his whole glass in a shot

"It's the fact that she has no clue where her mum is and she always tells me the moments she had with her like her first day of school and the times she watched that stupid frozen movie with her," I said and Adriel just sighed then threw his cigarette in the ashtray and looked at me

"I've got something to say," he said, I just looked at him with a questioning look

"I've got a kid," he said blankly "I'm sorry?" I said

"I'm a dad, I've got a son," he said turning to face the skyline again "And where is this son of yours?" I asked,

"He was living with his mum, remember Anastasia?" I nodded "Before she moved to Spain she told me she was pregnant with my kid, but once she moved away she lost all contact, then yesterday at the restaurant I saw her there, she came back. I asked to meet up she told me I had a son and then I went to go see him" he said

I just stood there with my mouth open then just when I was about to ask questions he spoke "His name is Elijah Wren Carter, he's two, and yes you will meet him soon" then he left to go back inside.

I just stood there in shock then went back to my room, picked up Luella and took her back to her room so she could sleep, I kissed her head, covered her up in a duvet, turned on her night light, and left the room.

Once I got back to my room I opened my wardrobe and reached out to the far back where there was a box; a box containing pictures and stuff from when we were small. I took it out and sat on my bed with the box placed in front of me, I opened it and saw pictures; so many pictures of me, mum, Ella, dad, and my brothers. I picked one up and looked at it. it was when Luella was only a couple of days old and we took a family picture with me sitting in between mum and dad on the couch with Ella in my arms, Adriel on the other side of mum, and Xander on the other side of dad.

A tear slid down my face as I looked at more and more pictures. One of me and mum together, one of me and my brothers.

Mum just had to leave us. I never told anyone this but I acted like I hated mum but in reality, I missed her more than anything, who was going to be there for me? not that Adriel is doing a bad thing being there for us but, who was my girlfriend going to meet when she wanted to? Who was Adriels son going to call grandma? There's a whole list of things. I couldn't bear looking at the pictures anymore so I placed the pictures back in the box and put the box away then went back into bed


hey, guys now I just wanted to say sorry about the slow updates and short chapters, my mental health has been the worst this week than it ever has been so I truly do apologise!

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