Chapter Twenty Six

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Hannah's POV

I rolled over to face Gracie next to me. I think it was about 7am? I wasn't sure but it felt early.

I slowly opened my eyes as the light was shining through the open blinds and hit my face.

Then - shit - that's when I saw Sarah lay asleep next to me. God damn it. I don't remember anything past talking and drinking a glass of wine. I've never gotten drunk from one glass of wine before but I don't remember what happened past that point.

I have a feeling we probably kissed although we probably went a lot further than that hence the naked lady in my bed.

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. I wasn't going to sleep with Sarah, I was just teasing her for a bit of fun. I realise that now!

I don't love her, I love Grace. And I just wanted someone who would have sex with me because Grace is still too nervous, so when I found out Swike liked me I convinced myself that I loved her. Oh I've got myself into a big mess.

Swike's POV

I woke up and saw Hannah on her phone. At least she wasn't too confused about what happened last night.

I put some memory-loss drugs and arousal drugs in her glass of wine and it worked. I'm so happy that it worked but I wonder if she remembers anything from last night.

She hasn't noticed I'm awake yet. Also she is fully clothed already and it is only 8am, I guess no morning sex for me. Shame. However I could always offer to get her a glass of juice and put some of my magic dust in it, if you know what I mean.

"Hannah?" I finally asked.
"Oh, hi, Swike. Didn't know you were awake."
"Only just woke up." I replied
"You should get dressed." She told me.
"Because you are making me uncomfortable, Swike."
"What? But last night was very fun!"
"Look, Swike, I don't know what came over me last night but I do not like you in that way." This was what I feared.

"I thought you loved me?"
"No. Swike, It was just lust, not love. When Grace gets back she will find out about all of this. Honesty is key." She told me.

I got up and started to get dressed. I was trying to get her attention but she was just looking at the screen. Maybe I should just get her that drink.

A few minutes later I come back in with a glass of orange juice each. I place one next to Hannah.
"No thanks." She says.
"What?" Im puzzled. Orange juice is her favourite non-alcoholic drink.

"I'm not an idiot Swike. I've had over an hour to think before you woke up. It's become clear to me what you did to my drink last night."
Oh shit she worked it out.

"Hannah, babe, I would never do that to you."
"You've probably done it to this drink too! Also don't call me babe!"
"Hannah I haven't put anything in your drink! Honest!"
"Drink it then! Drink some of my drink." Oh shit that isn't something that I want to do.

"You know what? Just get out Swike! Get out and don't come back! I love Grace, not you!" Ouch. That hurt.

I got up and left her house and drove home.

Authors note:
Are you guys slightly happier now? I mean they did it but Hannah doesn't love her.

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