Chapter Twenty

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Hannah's POV

I felt guilty for touching Sarah's butt. Grace is so sweet and doesn't deserve this. But cheating is just so fun. The adrenalin is so strong, especially when you are cheating in the same room as your girlfriend. Like did you ever steal a dollar from your moms purse when you were young and you felt guilty all day but the adrenalin of not knowing if she would find out was scary but fun. That's how I feel.
"Hey guys would you rather just have pizza here and maybe go out tomorrow as you are all sleeping the night?" Everyone replied with something along the lines of 'yeah sure'.
"Does anyone wanna help prepare them? I bought make your own pizzas incase I run out of MDK ideas next week.
"I'm too tired to do anything. Is it okay if I don't help?" Grace asked.
"It's okay, I'll help." Swike said to us.
"Okay. Have fun in here guys! Help yourselfs to drinks, you all know where they are. Be back in a few!"

Swikes POV

We got into the kitchen and Hannah closed the door quietly so we didn't sound like we were doing anything suspicious.
"Are you sure you wanna do this?" I asked Hannah.
"What? Make pizzas?" She replied sarcastically.
"No. Grace is so lovely and you know she would die if she found out you were cheating, literally. You know she's been suisidal before. It can come back." I said to Hannah, trying to talk some sense into her.
"But that's the thing. She won't find out. It'll be our little secret." She smiled at me. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to do this but I don't wanna hurt Grace. Ah fuck it. She won't find out.
"Okay. Our little secret." I repeated. Hannah stepped closer to me and grabbed my butt with her right hand. Her left hand came up to the back of my head and pulled me down to her height and put our lips together. I felt the sparks. It was magical. The kind of kiss where you wanna have sex now, no matter where or when. It was full of lust and passion.
"Grace is going out tomorrow night to go to her moms house for tea and she will sleep there, cause it's her moms birthday. If you want, when you go home tomorrow when Chester and Mamrie leave, you can come back and we can meet up later that night?" She suggested.
"Okay." I smiled and leaned back in to kiss her one last time. We made the pizzas and went back through to the others.

Grace's POV

I wondered what was taking so long. I guess they have to assemble all the different types of pizzas. And put them in the oven. They walked out and joined us again.
"Pizza will be in 20 minutes!" Hannah announced as she sat back down with us.

Authors note:

HartbigOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant