Back From New York

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Marinette Dupain-Cheng woke up to the sound of Tikki and Wayzz squealing for her attention.
"Wha- What? Tikki, Wayzz, it's Saturday. What's wrong?" Marinette grumbled, rubbing her eyes.
Tikki looked very urgent, "Marinette! Luka's here! Remember, your date?"
"Plus, you have to hide the miracle box!" Wayzz said urgently.
Marinette laid there for a moment. Part of her knew she had to get up. She was freaking out internally, knowing that if Luka Couffaine saw the miracle box, her secret identity would be exposed. But the other part of her wanted to go back to sleep, holding her first photo of Adrien Agreste that she ever collected. She didn't have a lot of those anymore.
Marinette groaned and got out of bed. After getting up very slowly, Mari sped up a lot. She couldn't let Luka see her like this.
After hiding the miracle box, Marinette started brushing her hair vigorously. She was almost done when Luka popped up into her room.
"Hey Marinette!" Luka said, "I'm so glad you're back from New York. I missed you." Luka kissed Mari's cheek.
Mari laughed,"I was only gone for a week!"
"So? A week is a long time," Luka said, lip pout and all.
Marinette sighed with relief. Relief that her boyfriend loved her, that he'd missed her. Relief that she didn't have to hold up a barrier around Luka.
Marinette had gotten used to holding up a witty and confident barrier around everyone. With Luka, Mari could let it down. She could be vulnerable. Sure, she couldn't tell him she was Ladybug, but that was normal. That was a secret no one knew, especially since Master Fu had lost his memories. Still, sometimes she wished that wasn't the case.
Luka caressed her cheek. "Mari, is something bothering you?"
"No... Well, actually... yes," Marinette took a deep breath, "I don't know, something is just... bugging me."
Luka's face drooped, "Is it me? Because I can leave if yo-"
"NO! I mean, no, that's not it. You are the kindest person I've ever met! You could never bug me." To reassure him, Marinette planted a soft kiss on Luka's nose, even though she had to pull him down in order to do so.
Luka smiled, the cute way he always did around Marinette, and took her hand. He guided her downstairs. After saying goodbye to Marinette's parents, who absolutely adore Luka, by the way, the two got on Luka's bike and headed to the park to meet Alya Cesare and Nino Lahiffe for their double date.

Adrien Agreste sat on his side of the long dining table, eating his breakfast while he hopelessly waited for his dad to show up.
Adrien heard the door opening and jumped off his seat with joy. "Father?"
Adrien's heart plummeted when Nathalie entered instead.
"Adrien, you have a photo shoot in the park from 7:45 to 10:25. Then you will meet up with Miss Tsurgi and practice your fencing together from 10:30 to 12:55. You will then come back home for lunch at 1:00 and I will give you your updated schedule," Nathalie said, dull as ever.
Adrien sighed, "Thank you, Nathalie."
Nathalie nodded and left.
Fifteen minutes later, Gorilla and Adrien were on their way to the photo shoot.

Luka decided to be a gentleman and let Marinette get off the bike first.
Marinette had just barely gotten off Luka's bike when Alya hit her with a hug, full speed. Being the clumsy girl she was, Mari stumbled back and knocked over Luka's bike.
Alya screeched, "Ah! Girl, I missed you!"
"I literally had dinner with you less than twelve hours ago!" Marinette rolled her eyes.
Alya sighed, "So? Why can't I miss you this once?"
"Um, Marinette?" Luka winced, "Could you help me up?"
Mari looked back to see Luka pinned down by his bike. Her face became redder than her Ladybug suit.
When Marinette had almost helped Luka up, Nino said, "Hey, is that... Adrien?"
Mari, clearly startled, dropped Luka.
Mari gasped, "Luka! I'm so sorry!"
This time Luka helped himself up. "It's okay."
Alya laughed, "You two are so soft."
"At least I can keep my date interested," Marinette said, gesturing to Nino, who had run over to Adrien.
"What do you... Nino! Get back here!"
Alya marched off to get her man.
Luka laughed, "They have a great relationship."
"Yeah..." Mari said.
"Hey, is something wrong?"
"No! I just... You deserve a better girlfriend than me."
"Why would you say that?"
"I mean, I'm so busy. You deserve someone who would always be there..."
"Marinette, you are amazing. I would never want anyone else."
Then, Luka kissed her.
"Are we interrupting?" Alya squealed.
Luka and Mari pulled away, both flustered. Adrien was with Alya and Nino, and he looked angry.
"Hi Adrien!" Marinette mumbled.
Adrien looked at her then at Luka and back at her again. "Uh, hi."
Things quickly got uncomfortable. Adrien was acting weird. No one dared to say anything.
"So, you two are an item, huh?" Adrien said.
Luka grinned, "Yeah, I guess."
"Um, I guess you don't kiss people like that when you're just friends, if you know what I, uh, mean," Mari stammered and sent him finger guns.
Finger guns, Marinette thought, really?
Adrien stared at her with a look similar to disgust... or anger... or maybe sadness... no, jealousy. And he wasn't looking at Marinette; he was looking at Luka. But why would Adrien be jealous of Luka?
"So..." Nino said, "Ice cream?"
The group agreed and set off.

[DISCONTINUED] Broken Love | A Miraculous Ladybug FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now