A Secret Spilled and a Secret Kept

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Word Count: 2102
Adrien POV

I landed in my room in a panic. After quickly detransforming and tossing Plagg a chunk of camembert, I flopped on to my bed with my face in my hands.

This is bad. This is really bad. I knew something would gon wrong if I visited Marinette. I wasn't supposed to tell her I liked her. That was bad. I shouldn't have gone over.

"Stop moping about your pathetic love life, kid. There are better things to do- like eat cheese!" Plagg declared. I glared in response.

I retorted, "My love life is not pathetic, Plagg! It's just... complicated."

"Sure," Plagg said, rolling his eyes. He swallowed his cheese before continuing. "That's one way to put it. And what about the fact that Chat Noir rejected Marinette a couple months ago? And her pop totally hates that alley cat now?"

I groaned. He was right. My love life was pathetic. And that was without mentioning that she was dating someone. The musical genius, Luka Couffaine. And he was Jagged Stone's son.

I needed to sleep this off. Sleep. As I laid there, I quickly dozed off.


I met up with Nino that Monday at school.

"Sup dude!" Which is Nino's way of saying hi and what's new, all at once.

I sighed, "Hi. A lot actually."

"What happened?"

"Well... Kagami broke up with me."

"Good riddance," Nino shrugged with disgust. All of my friends (except for Marinette, obviously) seemed to think Kagami was 'just a buzz-kill who was cramping my style'. I felt bad to hear them talk about my ex and friend that way, but I definitely understood how they could have made that assumption.

My shoulders sagged. "Actually, she was lucky to be getting rid of me. I was lying to her."

"About what?" Nino asked.

"I, um... Don't tell anyone, okay? But uh... I have a crush on, um, Marinette."

"Oh my god. Alya's gonna be ecstatic!"

"Why? Marinette's in a happy relationship. And I broke mine. Why would she be happy about that?"

Nino gave me a deadpan stare. "Dude, everyone and their mom knew about Marinette's crush on you. And now you like her back. And, bro, Alya's, like, the biggest Adrienette shipper on Earth, man. The only ship she likes better is Ladynoir."

I winced a little bit. Nino obviously didn't know, but if Adrienette happened and was 'endgame', then Ladynoir couldn't. Because I was Chat.

Well... Actually, it could. But only if I was a player. Or... If Marinette was Ladybug. But no. No, I couldn't be that lucky. And plus, Lukanette was currently canon, or whatever. (Alya had made a 'lingo boot-camp' that she forced me to take part in to help me be 'in the loop'. It was all slang, mostly to do with TV romance, which she weirdly liked to apply to real life. To be fair, superheroes did seem like something out of TV, so I guess it makes sense.)

"Nino..." I protested, rubbing the back of my neck. "Adrienette isn't going to sail. Not when Marinette's dating Luka."

Nino rolled his eyes, "Well, duh. C'mon, Mari's not here yet. Let's go find Alya."

Nino grabbed my wrist, dragging me along to find his girlfriend. "Why do we need to find Alya?" I said, hesitant to see what my best friend was up to.

Nino glared at me. "So, I can't see my girlfriend now? Not cool, dude."

[DISCONTINUED] Broken Love | A Miraculous Ladybug FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now