Crying For A "Friend"

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Word Count: 3727
Adrien POV

Long story short, the akuma attack did not give Kagami enough time to calm down. As soon as I exited the bathroom, the yelling started.

"What took you so long?" Kagami screamed. "It's been forty-three minutes! Did you sneak away?"
Technically, yes. "No! I was just in the bathroom. It couldn't have took that long! You must be exaggerating," I explained.

Kagami face-palmed, "Adrien, you must think I'm stupid. You obviously snuck off. I'm very disappointed in you! Not only are we late for fencing, rather than early like I planned, but you also betrayed me!"

Panicked, I quickly apologized. "Kagami, I swear I didn't sneak away. I'm so so sorry we're late! I... had indigestion... problems."

The thing I hated most in this world was to be locked up. The only other thing that came close was being yelled at. So you can surely imagine how I felt about this whole situation.
"Stop lying!" Kagami yelled, tears forming in her eyes. She was causing a scene, but that didn't matter. Most importantly, I was worried she was about to cry. Or forbid me from ever going to school again. Nope. Wait. That's just Father.

Kagami tried to steady her breathing. Then she grabbed my arm, "We need to go."

Twisting my arm, she dragged me along to the school for fencing. And, god, did it hurt. I was sure she sprained my wrist.

I didn't argue with her. If Father found out I was late for fencing, he would be furious. So, I let Kagami drag me along.

It also didn't feel right to say I wasn't lying. I was. I knew I was. But it wasn't like I wanted to lie to her. I was literally a superhero. I had to lie! No one could know my secret. It was called a secret identity for a reason.

Kagami didn't know why I was lying, of course. Otherwise, there would be no reason to lie. But she must have come to some conclusion about why I had told her two lies in less than two minutes. I'm sure her reasoning didn't make me look very heroic.


Sure enough, I was right.
Kagami was on her A game today, as usual. But I could sense her anger in the way she was attacking. She was fighting in an unusually agressive manner. Usually, fencing with Kagami just felt like a friendly competition. Today, however, it felt like she wanted to kill me.

By the end of practice, I was completely ready to sleep for fifteen hours. Believe it or not, trying to not get skewered by your upset girlfriend takes a lot of energy. I was ready to go home and have a nap. Unfortunately, with my schedule, I would probably have no time for one.

But after my conversation with Kagami, I really hoped my schedule would be clear.

After we finished up for the day, Kagami stopped me to talk. "I really need to get home," I explained. "Natalie will kill me if I'm late for lunch."

Kagami pursed her lips in frustration. "This will only take a minute. We finished up early. You have time."

I reluctantly sat down beside her.
Kagami continued, "Adrien, you have about three seconds to explain why you've been lying to me before I decide my assumptions are correct."

"I... Um..." I stammered. What was I supposed to say? I was talking to my magical floating cat and then had to run off and fight an akuma? I couldn't tell her the truth. But what if she saw Cat Noir land behind the outhouse? What if her assumption was really the truth? I had to change her mind.

Before I could open my mouth to deliver a fabricated story, Kagami spoke up. "Times up. My turn."

I waited, dreading her response.
"I know you were talking to yourself about Marinette. I overheard you talking- in different voices, may I add- about how you were jealous of Marinette's boyfriend."

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