Midnight Visits

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Word Count: 2826
Marinette POV

It wasn't too long after Adrien left that Cat Noir showed up on my balcony.

What was I supposed to do? Ignore him? Regardless of the butterflies in my stomach, butterflies that shouldn't even be there, I went up to the balcony.


"H-hi," I stammered back.

"Um," Cat Noir started. Then he plastered a grin on his face. "I heard you liked me?"

No. No. No, no, no!

"Who told you that?"

"Just a little birdie."

"Adrien Agreste was the only one I told. And I don't think he would tell you. How does he even know you?"

Cat Noir stared at me, "I'm friends with you. You're friends with that model guy. It's possible."

"I trust Adrien. He wouldn't have told you."

"Fine! I, uh, overheard."

"You were eavesdropping?"

"Marinette, you live in a bakery," Cat deadpanned. "I had just got a pastry and passed by the open window to hear you swooning over me."

Had the window been open? I couldn't remember. "I wasn't swooning. I don't even like you."

"Rude," Chat acted hurt, but it was clear he was joking.

"Look, Chat. You're great. Really great. And I like spending time with you. But we're just friends. What I said today... I was just tired and flustered and happened to see you. So my brain played a trick on me. Don't worry. I know you're totally head over heels in love with Ladybug. Plus, I have a boyfriend," I explained.

With what seemed like a touch of sadness in his voice, Chat said, "Of course."

After a few moments of awkward silence, Chat spoke again. "Did you, um, did you see the akuma fight today?"

"No! I mean, I wasn't there!"

Chat smiled softly. "Of course you weren't. I meant the recording of it. You know, the ones your friend Alya does for the Ladyblog or the news one."

"Oh, of course. But, uh, no. I didn't see it. Why?" I asked.

"Nothing. Just... That fight, um, kinda started a bunch of drama with the Ladybloggers. I'm sure Alya told you all about it. She wasn't behind it, which is kind of strange, but not all that unusual anymore..."

It was normal of me to not be caught up on the Ladyblog. Not only was I Ladybug (which meant I should be caught up on my own drama, right?), but my best friend ran the blog and would be there to update me if anything happened, so I felt no need to check it. Of course, I still did every so often, but that was just to support Alya. Even so, every Ladyblogger knew I was the best friend of the famous blogger.

Ever since I had told Alya that I was Ladybug, her blog content had decreased. It was hard for her to figure out what to post in order to not risk my identity. Plus, I had made it clear from the moment she found out that I did not want her to continue her "#ladynoir" content. Not to mention, Alya's fangirl enthusiasm had noticably decreased when the veil of mystery on me had vanished and she found out her idol was just me, her clumsy best friend.

Alya's fading content had been subject to one of the famous Ladyblog comment drama frenzies. Past frenzies had included the Dark Cupid #ladynoir kiss, the Oblivio #ladynoir kiss, and the appearance of Rena Rouge, when Alya's phone "died". Comment frenzies were always followed by tea and theory videos, all posted on the "input" tab on Alya's blog. They usually had something to do with ladynoir, superhero identities, or Alya herself.

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