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Darlings POV

"Malcom! please hurry up." I yell already waiting by the door. "You take longer than me to get ready!" He walks out of our room laughing. "I will have you know that all of this, doesn't JUST happen and why are you in such a hurry? You said Rose is making you go anyway."

That accent makes everything sound hot.

It's Michael's birthday today and Rose is making me go. I refused but then she gave me a knowing smile and asked if i had any reason for not going. I finally gave in i told her that i was going and taking Malcolm with me.

"Because the sooner we get there the sooner we leave." He chuckles and kisses my forehead. "Of course anything you wish princess." I smile up at him.

He really is something else.


I was about to knock but the door was pulled open by.........a really really mad Carly. "What are you doing at MY house, I thought you were gone." Her house? Did i miss a wedding? I smile at her making her angrier. Im not a hopeless teen anymore.

"I was and now I'm back." I respond trying really hard not to slap her. Godddd how i hate this woman. "Why? It's not like you have any family here? And no one wants you. I don't remember inviting you." She smirks. Malcolm squeezes my hand for support.

"I" I begin to say it but i was cut off by Rose. "She is more our family than you will ever be and i invited her, because this is her house not yours." She glares at Carly while taking me by the hand and leading me inside the house. Malcolm silently follows us inside never letting go of my hand.

Once in the backyard i can see every one dancing and having fun under the moonlight and twinkle lights. Malcom whispers in my ear. "Is she always such a bitch?"

I smile up at him, he grabs me by the waist and i put my arms around his neck. "No I'm sure she takes a break when she's sleeping." He chuckles and kisses me. Lily joined us and after a while of mingling Malcolm asks me to dance.

We were in the middle of our second dance when......... "May i cut in?" I turn to Michael, who was eye fucking me. He must have drank a few because he is doing very little to hide it. Before i could say anything he took me away from Malcolm.

He holds me tightly against his body while slow dancing. "I have gotten many gifts for my birthday but you coming today and in that dress." He groans in my eat. "That's the best present i have ever received."

I wish i could say that didn't affect me at all but that would be a lie. His breath falls on my neck and my body enjoys it. I still had a blank expression because i didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he had any effect on me.

"Did you talked to Rose?" I asked unamused. He lowers his hand to the top of my ass but i bring them back. "Yes, she thinks you mentioned their school transferred in front of me so they wouldn't have to." He answered lowering his hand again.

"STOP. We're in public people are going to see." I move his hand again. He smirks in amusement. "Are you saying i can grab your ass in private." He holds me closer than before.

"No, that's never gonna happen. I love Malcom." He glares at me and clenches his jaw. "You expect me to believe that you love that KID? You wouldn't be here in my arms if you did." He radiates jealousy.

"I'm here for Rose and i don't c.." "MIKE!! Why don't you dance with me." Carly whisper yells at Michael. I let go and was about to leave but Michael grabs me with no intentions of letting go.

"Mike! let her go so we can dance." I could see that she clearly wanted me to be anywhere but here. Well bitch that make two of us.

"I dance with you all the time i want to dance with her now, Doll just got back." He said looking and smiling at me. "No you don't, you never dance with me." Carly said back. Like i want to hear about their relationship problems.

"Just forget it, I'm leaving anyway." I step back but the wicked which just couldn't leave it there. "But of course you are invited back into OUR home for OUR baby shower." She smiles sweetly at Michael but he turns red with anger. "Would you stop saying that. You're not even pregnant" He shot back.

"Oh but it's only a matter of time. We are doing it in every corner of the house anyways. I guess i shouldn't say that in front of the GUESTS ops." She giggles.

I just smile. "Of course i will. Congratulations i know how much you wanted children and happy birthday mr. Nightingale." I walk like nothing affected me because it shouldn't.

I go to find Malcom. Who was texting away on his phone smiling. "Look at that. Aren't we happy." He looks at me, pulls me up and spins us around. "Hey... hey Malcom stooooop" I squeal laughing. He dose after kissing me. "Okay Romeo what has you so happy?"

He cups my cheek and rests his forehead against mine. "I was chosen to take a concert tour." He smiles showing me the message of admission in his phone and my smile drops. "You're leaving?" I frown my eyebrows and step back.

"Yes princess but we both knew it was only a matter of time, it's just sooner than we expected." He grabs my hand to reassure me.

"Of course I'm sorry. I'm really happy for you but it's like you said we've never been apart so I'm really really going to miss you." I hug him tightly to me wishing i could ask him to stay but i can't be that selfish.

"Hey it's only for four months right? and I'm not leaving yet we still have three weeks. I love you Princess." We pull a part from the hug and he can see a tear that i couldn't hold back. He kisses the tears away. "Please don't cry love you're breaking my heart." I sniff and nod. "Let's go home now. I love you so much." I whisper.

He takes my hand leading me out. "And i you Princess."

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