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Michael's POV

"Ahhhhhhh!" Darling screams squeezing my hands tightly, i think I'm gonna lose it. "Good job Mamá just one more push and he's here." The doctor yells over her. "Fuck! At this point he can stay in if he wants to!" She yells even louder.

I laugh and she gives me the death glare. She really is beautiful even all sweaty. I hope our baby looks like her. "Your doing great baby." I encourage kissing her forehead. "Ahhhhhhhh!" She pushes again and we hear a little cry.


That was one year ago and as for what the baby looks like. Let's just say he's definitely my son.

 Let's just say he's definitely my son

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"Mama!" Luca cries. Darling was about to get up but i stop her. "I will get it Doll." I whisper kissing her closed eyes. "Thank you love." I give her lips a peck and walk across to our sons room.

"Que tu haces despierto? Estás emocionado por tu cumpleaño?" I pick him up and he smiles. (What are you doing up? Are you excited for your birthday?) We decided to teach him Spanish first because he can learn English once he goes to school. That way he knows both.

He giggles when i tickle him. "Papá! nooooo no no" He kicks because he wants me to put his down when i do he runs to Darling. "Mamá esta durmiendo Luca!" I run calling after him. "Nooo Mamá!!" (Mom is sleeping Luca!)

"Luca no grites." I shush him but Doll is already up. (Luca don't scream) "Hola hermoso." (Hello handsome) She picks Luca up and gives him a kiss. "Heyy yo soy el unico hermoso que puedes besar."(Hey I'm the only handsome you can be kissing) I whine pointing my finger at our son and he giggles.

"Ohhh no." Darling says being overdramatic and starts running down the stairs with a laughing Luca. "Ven aquí!" (Come here!) I yell chasing them around the living room.

Later that day the entire family is on the kitchen island singing happy birthday to Luca. Everyone except Lily but if she doesn't want to be part of this family that's her choice. I can't be moping around missing my sons life. "We have one more present but it's for papá" Doll said smiling.

"Gracias bebe." (Thank you baby.) I kiss her. She hands me a small yellow box. I take small glances at her opening it. It's a baby shirt that said 'Ready to be a dad to baby number four?'

"Are you serious?" I turn to Darling smiling like an idiot. She nods and i almost bodyslam her with a hug. "Thank you. Thank you baby!" I kiss her and it soon gets heated.

But my mom clears her throat. I glare at her pulling apart. "Cock block." I mumble looking at her. "Dad!" Rose yells in disgust. I shrug and kiss my Doll again.

♾♾♾♾8 months later.♾♾♾

"I swear Michael this is the last one!" She yells in pain. "But i want at least one more please." I whine. We make beautiful babies. This time we didn't want to know the gender so we're waiting for he or she to get here.

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