/weather (clear/rain/thunder) - change the weather to (clear/rain/thunder)
/time set (day/noon/night/midmight) - set time to (day/noon/night/midnight)
/gamemode (creative/survival/spectator) - enter (creative/survival/spectator) mode
/kill - kill player
/fill (coardinents) minecraft:(any block) - fill (coardinents) with minecraft:(any block)
/fill (coardinents) air - fill (coardinents) with air (emties out the space)
/tp (coardinents) - teliports you to (coardinents)
/give @p minecraft:(any block or item) - gives you any block or item
/summon (entity) (coardinents) - summon entities
and there are hunderds upon hundreds of other commands that I don't know there are just examples, if you want to see more commands go to youtube and search minecraft commands
Minecraft Tips
RandomThis book contains everything you need from controls to Minecraft hacks/tips.