Chapter 11

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Finally today is the Running Man Filming. I'm totally nervous because it's my first time and I never come to any variety shows before. But thankfully my boyfriend is always right beside me and makes me strong by his words.

I'm staying at Jongkook oppa's house again because he said he can't let me go and he's worried that I might fall in love with any guys out there. What a cute boy ~

It's 8am and Jongkook oppa is still sleeping. I don't know why I wake up so early today. Maybe because I'm too nervous for today's Filming?

"Baby, wake's morning already..".. I'm playing with his messy hair while trying to wake him up but still no response.

"Jongkook oppa, wake up ~ it's 8 in the morning.. you don't wanna come late for shooting right?.." I still playing with his messy hair. He looks adorable when sleeping and makes me wanna kiss his lips right now.

"Hmmm...jagiya this is too early....give me 5 minutes more...please..." he said.

"Fine...continue sleep. Don't wake up anymore and let me go to filming alone.." I said in sad tone and get off from the bed. But suddenly he pull me till I'm on top of him. Then he hold my head and pull me to his lips. He give me a long kiss and enjoy it. After a few seconds, I pull back and looking at him who is smiling.

"Don't you dare to go alone without me or I'll undress you here.." he said while his eyes are still close.

"Op.. oppa.. you are scary..." I said and get off from him.

"I'm just kidding baby..of course I won't do something that make you scared... I'm sorry okay?.." he gets up and walk to me. Then he hug me tight while caressing my head.

"I'm sorry okay? I'm really really sorry...please forgive me baby..."he said.

"Okay okay.. don't cry oppa.." I said while hugging him back.

"I'm not crying!! I'm Sparta right? Sparta don't cry.." he said and release the hug.

"Hahaha yeah right. Go take your shower oppa. It's late already.." I take the towel beside the bed and give it to him.

"Jagiya, let's join me. I'm sure it'll be great..." he smirked and trying to take off my T-shirt.

"Ya Kim Jong Kook!!!!!!! Go take your shower now!!!!! Or I'll find another boyfriend..." I push him to the bathroom.

"Okay okay okay don't find another man please... I'm begging you..." he said and doing his cute face.

"I'll not gonna find another guy if you take your shower now. Go!!.."

"Okay baby!!!.." he kissed me on the lips again. I can't do anything besides laughing.

At the Running Man set

I waited for PD's cue before joining them. I can see the Running Man casts lining up in front of the cameras. Then I heard PD's cue and walks towards them. I greet and bows lightly to them.

"Annyeonghasaeyo, I'm a new rising model, Jessica. Nice to meet you.." I said and bows.

All the Running Man casts claps and shake hand with me.

"Jessica!!!.." HaHa oppa call and hug me.

"You know her??.." Jihyo unnie said.

"Yes of course. She is my friend since school.." said HaHa oppa. I just nodded.

Jongkook oppa just look at us.

"Wahh.. she is so beautiful isn't it?.." Jaesuk oppa said and walking to me.

"Ya!! Why you must go to her? Don't make her feel shy.." Jongkook oppa said and push Jaesuk oppa away. All the casts laugh.

"Are you jealous, Jongkook? Do you have any relationship with her?.." Jaesuk oppa said and laugh.

"Is she your girlfriend?.." Gary oppa interrupt.

"Are you two dating?.." Seokjin oppa tease.

"Congratulations Jongkook!! Finally you have a girlfriend.." Kwangsoo oppa said while clapping his hands.

"Kwangsoo yaaa!!!.." Jongkook oppa walks to him and pull his hair.

"Mianhae hyung!!.."

Are you jealous Jongkook oppa? Aww such a cute baby...

"So today we'll having Couple Race. And we've chose your partners. Gary and Jihyo, Seokjin and Jaesuk, Jongkook and HaHa, Kwangsoo and Jessica" said PD. Everyone is happy except Jongkook oppa.

"Ya.. why I paired up with HaHa?.." Jongkook oppa said to PD.

"So you wanna paired up with Jessica? So that you can date with her and have fun together?.." HaHa oppa tease him. Jongkook oppa look at him with anger and HaHa oppa say sorry to him.

I can feel that Jongkook oppa is jealous and maybe he can't accept it.

"Yeay!!! Jessica!!.." Kwangsoo oppa said and hug me. I just laugh and hug him back.

"Kwangsoo yaaa... why you must hug her? It'll be aired soon.." Jongkook oppa said while control his jealousy.

"Hyung, just say that you're jealous because I get a beautiful girl and you get a little kid.." Kwangsoo oppa said.

"Yaishh!!!!.." HaHa oppa shouted to Kwangsoo oppa.

"Jongkook oppa don't be jealous. It just a game..." I said to Jongkook oppa.

I know you're jealous right now baby..

Jongkook oppa closes his face with his hands and blushing. I just laugh looking at him. Everyone claps and shouting Jongkook oppa's name.

"Hyung... how you feel right now? Happy?!.." Kwangsoo oppa said while looking at Jongkook oppa.

Jongkook oppa still blushing and everyone laugh.

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