Chapter 50

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I'm totally surprised as I saw Eunhye in front of the door with a basket of fruits.

"Owh? Jongkook oppa!.." she suddenly hugs me but I quickly break the hug as I don't want Jessica to misunderstand.

"What are you doing here??.."

"Looking for you.." she then try to kiss me but I quickly stop her.

"For what??.."

"Let me in first.." she push me and quickly walk to the dining room. I close the door and walk to the dining room too.

I look slightly at Jessica and saw frustration in her eyes.

I walk to my brother's place and he looks kinda surprised too.

"Hyung, this is not funny... do you invite her??.." I whispers to my brother seriously.

"No it's not me.. I'm serious.."

"Eunhye ya, what are you doing here? What makes you come here so sudden?.." my father asks.

"Actually, I saw Jongkook oppa's car so I guess it's okay if I meet him. It's been a long time since we met, right oppa?.." I just glance at her. I sits beside Jessica and hold her hand but she quickly pull it.

"Auntie, I bought these fruits for you.." she then takes a chair at the corner and sit beside me.


"Oppa, who's that?..." she asks. Thankfully she ask about Jessica. And I guess this is the right time.

"Actually I have something to say.. me and Jessica already engaged. I proposed her yesterday and she accepted.." everyone in the dining room are surprised hearing my statement especially Eunhye.

"What?!! Oppa, why you do this to me? I thought you still love me but.. what is this??.." she stands up.

"Ya.. who said that I still love you?? I never said that.."

"I'm going..." she said with her shaky voice and quickly left without saying anything to my parents.

"Just go.. we don't even invite you..." I said in a slow tone.

"Jongkook... I heard that.." my mom said. I just bowed lightly.

"Jongkook, are you serious? You already proposed her?.." my father speaks.

"Yea, appa.. I know Jessica is the right girl for me and I guess this is the right time to end my single life.."

"Aigoo I'm so happy right now. I'm so happy for both of you too.." my mom then walks to Jessica and hug her.

"I don't think anyone could say no to someone that good as Kim Jong Kook, right?.." Jessica said while look at me.

"You, Kim Jong Kook! How can you propose her without telling me??.."

"It's a long story, umma... I'll tell you when I come back here later... heheh..."

"Ya.. Jongkook. You finally did it! I never taught you're this brave to propose someone as beautiful as Jessica. Jessica, you're lucky. So so lucky.. I'll tell you all his naughty secrets later..." my brother speaks.

"Aih hyung.. how can you do this to me?..

"Hahaha.. Jongkook ah, this is how a brother in law gets closer to his sister in law.. besides why not?.."

"Jong Myung oppa, later we meet secretly ah.. hehehe.."

"Yah Jessica..."

"Hahahah Jessica, it's so nice to have you here.. ehem I can't wait to have grandchildren... Jongkook.." my father said.

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