Chapter 39

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"Hey there's a new boy will enter our class..." Kyungmin said.

"Yea I heard rumors too! I bet he's a poor kid!.." Taehyun said.

"Let's 'greet' him shall we guys?..." I said and laugh with my two friends.

Suddenly our class teacher, Miss Shin came in the class with a boy besides her. He looks so nerd with the spectacles. Me and my friends started to laugh but I asked them to control it so the new boy wouldn't suspect the 'greet'.

"Okay class. We have a new student here. Introduce yourself please?.."

"Hello. My name is Choo Seung Hoon and I'm from Tokyo, Japan. Nice to meet you all.." the new boy speaks.

Me and my boys snort after hearing that.

"Hey Seung Loon! I mean Seung Hoon..." Kyungmin laugh.

I high-five with Kyungmin so do Taehyun.

"I want you all to be nice with Seung Hoon especially you, Kim Jong Kook.." Miss Shin continues.

"We'll see...." I smirk and look at the new Japanese boy.

"Hey new boy! Sit here.." Taehyun said and points to an empty place next to me.

"You may sit there, Seung Hoon..." said Miss Shin. "I'll get your exercise book and do not make a single noise. Understand?.." Miss Shin continues.

"Yes..." the whole class said.

He then walk to us. I already gave signal to Taehyun who's behind the empty place.

Just when he about to sit, Taehyun quickly pull the chair and his butt landed on the floor. Me, Kyungmin and Taehyun laughs.

"Hahahaha you have no idea what 'greet' means to you, right?... oh and for your information, we're the Dragon Brothers. Once you mess with us, you'll regret.... another one. Don't call me Jongkook but Axe Kim..." I said to Seung Hoon. He takes off his spectacles and wipe his tears.

"Aww.. this new Japanese boy is crying...." Kyungmin jokes.

"Who cares? Hahhaha let's go boys.." I said and we walk out from the class.


Recess time

"Hey look who's there! The Japanese boy again!..." Kyungmin said and points to the boy.

"He's sitting at our place..." Taehyun continues.

"Let's go....." I commands and walk to the boy.

"Hey, Japanese boy.. nice to see you again....." Kyungmin greet. He ignores and continue eating.

"Ah ~ so you're ignoring us, huh?..." I take his plate and pour the food at his uniform. I hurl the plate on the table making him stunned and other students in the canteen looking.

"What's your problem?!..." he stands up.

"Uwwwuuuu that's scary ~..." I laugh. But suddenly I get a hit on my face and Kyungmin and Taehyun support me from falling down. Surprisingly I saw blood on my fingers as I touch my lips with my thumb.

"Ahh ~ you really wanna die??!.." I grab his neck and quickly brings him to the toilet. Taehyun and Kyungmin are following too.

"Wh...what are you doing? Why you bring me here?.." Seung Hoon speaks.

"You see that toilet bowl?..."

"Jongkook, what are you doing?..." Kyungmin said.

"Don't say that you're gonna......"

"Shut your mouth!!.." I grab his head and dump it to the toilet bowl. I can feel him struggling to escape.

"Do you like it?!!! Huh?!! Come in to our school is a good option but not a good choice! And you don't remember what I said? Don't ever mess with me!!!.." I said angrily.

"Jongkook, let him go!!..." Kyungmin pull my hand and let go him.

"You will get what you deserve, Kim Jong Kook!!.." Seung Hoon push me and quickly run away.

"Jongkook are you crazy?! How dare you do that..." Taehyun said.

I let out a short scream and punch the wall letting go my emo.

The next day, our class teacher said that he had transferred to his old school in Japan. I feel so guilty after what I've done to him.

End of flashback

"Remember me now?!!.." he grab my collar.

"You're..... Choo Seung Hoon?..... the Japanese boy?....."

"Yes....glad you remember me....I'm the one who punched your face.... and you're the one who DUMP ME INTO THE TOILET BOWL!..."

"Seung Hoon, please.. the past is past... don't bring it back... plus I feel guilty after what I've done to you..." I try to push him.


"You didn't even understand my feelings that time... you didn't even know how I feel... and you didn't say sorry at all..." I heard him saying.

I'm surprised when suddenly he look at me angrily. I quickly look in front and act like nothing happens. Suddenly someone opens the door and pull me out. And again it's Seung Hoon. He then pull out a knife and point it to my neck.

"Oppa!!..." I shouted.

"Shut up!!!!!.."

"Seung Hoon, please don't do this... I'm so so sorry.... please don't do anything to her... please let her go... I'm begging you..."

"Protecting your girlfriend, huh?..... okay I'll let her go...." he then push me aside. I look at him who's walking towards Jongkook oppa, still holding the knife. Suddenly, the knife stabbed Jongkook oppa's stomach.

"Oppaaaaaaaa!!!!..." I runs like crazy to him and Seung Hoon already run away. Then I saw a few others who walk pass by came to help.

"Oppa, can you hear me..... oppa..." I keep asking. My tears automatically drop when I saw the blood coming out from his stomach.

"Ja........... gi.......ya..... I'm... sorry....."

"Oppa, please don't leave me...."

"There's no time to speak.. we need to rush him to the hospital...." one of the man said.

They carried Jongkook oppa to the car and rush to the hospital.

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