Chapter 53

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Day by day had passed. Half of the preparations had been done for the wedding. Obviously I'm more nervous than Jongkook oppa. I want it to be perfect.

We shoot our pre-wedding photo at Paris. As it requested by Jongkook oppa. Of course we are having fun during the photoshoot but at the other hand, I'm really nervous.

After finished filming for our wedding video, I sit on a chair while thinking about the wedding.

"Jagiya..." Jongkook oppa approach and stand in front of me. "You need to relax.."

"How can I be relaxed? I have so many thing to settle. The cake, the dress.. everything. And the dress doesn't seem to fit me perfectly. The photoshoot.... doesn't have any nice picture of me..."

"Finish?.." Jongkook oppa hold my hands and squad in front of me.

"Who said the photoshoot doesn't have any nice picture of you? You looks so beautiful. And the dress.. it fits you perfectly..." he kisses my hands and smile.

"But jagiya, I'm scared..." I hug his neck.

"What are you scared of?.." he rubs my back.

"I'm scared if things goes wrongly... and.."

He release the hug and look at me.

"Shhhhyy.. baby if you don't stop, I'll kiss you in front of everyone.."

I automatically stop.

"If these things kind of messed your mind to much, I rather someone else handle it and never let you get involve until our wedding day.."

"What?? How could you?..."

"I don't like to see you in this situation.. don't be like this, okay?.."

I nod.

"You want me to kiss you?..."

"No!.." I blushed and look around. Jongkook oppa is just smiling looking at me.

"So are you okay now? I'll let you have more than one dress for the wedding if you promise to have fun with me today.. and stop thinking too much about the wedding preparation.."


"Yes of course.."

"I can have more than one wedding dress??.." I said excitedly.


"Yeay! Hmm since Yejin has many beautiful dress, can I have five?.."

"What? Five? Are you gonna wear it till you sleep?.."

"Oppa, it's gonna be a long day.. And of course I'll be sweating.. so five should be enough.."

"But that's too much.. two is enough.."

"Two? Oppa you're so stingy.. this is once in a lifetime event.."

"At least it's more than one.."

"How about four?.." I make my cute faces to seduce him.






"Three dresses? Really?.."

"With one condition.. kiss me.." he offer his lips.


"Come on.. just a kiss.." he leans closer. I look around and the everyone that's involved in the photoshoot looking at us making me blush.

"Jagiya, they all are looking at us.."

"Good then. At least I can show them how much I love you.. kiss me.."

"Aisssshh.." I cupped both of his cheeks and kiss him on the lips. I feel like I'm gonna explode right now because of the embarrassment.

"Ah one more. Say 'thank you, baby' cutely..."


"Come on, honey. Just for me.."

"Fine.. come here."

He gets closer to me. I pinch both of his cheeks and say "thank you babyyyyyyyyyyyy". After a while, I let go and laugh.

"Arrgghhh okay that's cute!.." suddenly he grab my head and give a long kiss on my lips.

"Yah Kim Jong Kook!!!.."

"Yes Jessica!!.."

"Come here.." I grab his head and give a kiss again. We break the kiss and laugh.

"Let's continue our photoshoot.. they must be waiting for us.." he stands up and grab my hand then walk to the set.

The photoshoot continue and finish on the same day. After the shoot, we both look at the pictures and surprised to see the photographers captured the moments when Jongkook oppa kiss me and when we're playing around together.

"Owh.. these are nice pictures.." Jongkook oppa said.

"I know right.. it looks fun.." I said and look at him.

"That's why we capture it. You both looks so sweet and lovely. So we take the opportunity to capture your sweet moments with hopes you're gonna love it.."

"This is amazing!! Thank you so much.. you did well in your work.." Jongkook oppa thanks the photographer.

After that, we both go to the Eiffel Tower and takes some pictures there.

"Jagiya, I want you to know that I love you sooooooo much..." I confess to him.

"I love you too..." he comes closer and kiss my forehead then look at me. "Hmm baby, since we're at Paris, let's shopping.."

"Shopping?!! Really?.."

"Yes. Let's shopping for our wedding. Just buy what you want.."

"Oppa, isn't it expensive?.."

"Well I did some research and the prices are affordable so don't worry.. let's go.."

"Yeay! Thank you, oppa!! This makes me love you even more.. heheh let's go.."

We both rides a Vespa scooter and go for shopping. During the journey, I took so many selcas of me and Jongkook oppa.

We stopped at Gucci and bought a pair of heels and shoes for our wedding. We went to various shops and bought something for our parents. After that, we proceed to the jewelry shop and bought a diamond ring.

"Oppa, so far I have three rings including this. Isn't it too much?.." I said.

"Nope.." he simply answers. "Jagiya, what else you want to buy?.."

"Ermmm.. I think this is more than enough. We bought so many things, jagiya.."

"Okay.. so you wanna go back now?.."

"Erm yea.. I'm so tired right now.."

We go back to the hotel together and have some rest.

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