1. prologue

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darkness surrounded me as my eyes began to open. i try to stand up only to hit my head on a metal roof above. i fell backwards hitting the back of my head on a box in the corner making me fall unconscious once again. voices fill my mind, "she cant go", a young female voice says, "she's only 16!". i try to make out who's voice it was but only to fail at the attempt.
what felt like hours i felt the cage shake as light had seem to shine onto my face. i softly brush my (h/c) hair out of my face to catch a glimpse of what was surrounding me. boys. lots and lots of boys. i stand up from the floor and stare at each of the boys faces, only to find that one boy caught my attention from the crowd. a tall, dirty blond haired boy around the age of 16 or 17 years of age.

he holds his hand out, indicating for me to grab it, but i refuse. firmly placing my hands on the grass, i use the strength in my body to pull myself out of the old cage. "bit stubborn there love?" the blonde says with a small chuckle. his accent caught me off guard. i roll my eyes and walk away from the crowd. "look love, i seem to noticed we got off on the wrong foot", he ran his hands through his messy blonde hair, "i'm newt. second in command". i look him in the eyes and see them sparkle a bit in the light. "i'm...uh...i don't seem to remember". i said only to be laughed at by him.

"don't worry greenie, we've all been there and done that". he says with a small smile. i look at him with a confused look on my face. 'why is he calling me love? and greenie? i like love! greenie...not so much'. "in case you're wondering love, every new glader, we call greenie until they remember their name. it just takes a day or two". i shake my head and sigh in relief. another boy comes over, but he seems to be a bit older. "greenie...this is alby, the commander". the alby guy holds his hand out for a handshake but i politely decline.

alby looks at me up and down, giving me a strange look, but i brush it off. "seems we got ourselves a girl yea?". he says to me with a small laugh, "follow newt. he'll show you around. i have things to take care of". then his figured slowing disappears as he runs away towards a building out near the woods. "come on greenbean! it's only just beginning". newt walks towards the first building. he tells me about it then walks off again. 'the blood house?! they couldn't of thought of something a bit better than that?'. "that's homestead. it's where some of us boys sleep and it includes the map room for the runners".

the tour around the glade finally finishes and we come to an end. i look at the sky to see it already turn purple, orange and pink with a hint of blue. "rest up love, there's a bond-fire tonight!" he says to me. i realise i haven't said much to him. newt was nothing but nice to me this whole time. "save me a seat?" i say as he starts to walk off. he turns his body around, facing me and nods giving me a smile then walks away to the gardens. my cheeks warm up and i feel then go red. 'i better not be crushing on him already' but my cheeks only get warmer as i think those words.

my mind wandered as time went by until the fire. i walk towards the fire area to try and spot newt in the crowd. "greenbean! over here!" a accented voice calls from my right. i walk over and sit between newt and this other boy. a brunette. "greenie...this is thomas". thomas gave me a smile and stares into my (e/c) eyes, leaving me unable to break the eye contact.

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