8. breakdown

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they all look at his arm, noticing the sting. "gally...please put down the gun!". y/n says calmly stepping out from behind newt. he then point it at her. she keeps walking forward, stepping in front over everyone. "this isn't you gally". she holds her arms up in surrender and stops walking. newt gets worried, starting to walking forward to protect her. he grabs into her waist and pulls her towards him. gally takes the gun off safety and still point it at y/n. minho grips onto the spear and waits for the moment to come.

"i can't let you guys go!" the says with sadness in his voice. "the maze was the only thing keeping us safe from here!". he looks y/n in the eyes with tears still in his. he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. he opens them and looks at everyone. he pulls the trigger as minho throws the spear at gally's chest. everyone screams and steps back a bit. gally falls to the ground, dropping the gun and his breathing slowing down. thomas and newt looks at y/n to make sure she's ok and not been shot at.


i look at my body to make sure there wasn't any wounds or blood. i couldn't feel any pain on me at all. i check on newt for the same. "y/n...". chuck falls to the floor as blood is spilling from his chest. "CHUCK!". my knees fall the ground as a stream as falling from my eyes like waterfalls. he hold out his hand and places a figurine in mine. a tear falls from my his eye, rolling down the side of his face. "please give this to my parents y/n". his voice was quiet. blood covering the whole of his shirt. "NO CHUCK! WE WERE SUPPOSED TO MAKE IT TO THE END TOGETHER!". newt places his hands on my shoulders but i rip them off me. i shake chuck to wake him up, failing with each and everything attempt.

the doors open, letting sunlight in. a dozen men with guns came in, escorting all of us out. i kick and scream screamed as they rip me from chucks body. they drag me by my arms out into the sandy ground. "miss you need to remain calm". one man says to me.
"we're taking you to safety". another says. they put me into the helicopter. newt pulls me towards him and places my head on his chest. i open my left hand to see the figurine chuck gave me, covered in his blood. "where are you taking us?" newt asks the man sitting in front of us waiting for a response. he takes his mask off and looks at all our faces. "home".


y/n's breathing becomes normal again. her head still on my lap. i stroke her hair with one hand while rubbing her back with the other. "she's finally asleep newt". minho quietly says to me looking at y/n. i look up at him and nod. "she need the sleep. she's had a long day". he nods back at me then looks out the window. we fly over buildings and lots of sand. it feels like hours in the air. i turn to the same man again and ask him another question. "what's gonna happen to the two bodies back at wicked?". he looks down at y/n then back up at me. he doesn't say a word. he was probably just trying to be careful what he says around y/n with the way she was reacting earlier.

the dark colours fill the sky. it was night already. the men take us out of the helicopter one by one. "y/n. we're here". she looks up at me with sleepy eyes then proceeds to get off. they take us to a building and let us inside. we follow one of the men until he brings us to another man waiting for us. "welcome. you're all safe here". the rat looking man says to us. "come with me. you all need to get some test done". i grab y/n's hand to keep her close to me. thomas walks up to the man. "who are you?". i look over at thomas. "and what do you mean by tests?". he stops when we get to a door. he turns and looks at all over faces.

he opens the door revealing tables and chairs with doctors and nurses waiting. "i'm janson". i look at him and walk toward him, still holding y/n's hand. "you still didn't answer my question". he looks me in the eyes raising an eyebrow, then in y/n's eyes. "the tests are to see your health, any allergies. things like that". the rat-man then focuses his attention on my hand holding y/n's. he looks over at thomas then smiles. "i'll take it from here janson". a nurse comes out and takes us into the room.

she then separating us, placing us into different spots in the room to do tests. she walks over and stands in front of us. "you two come with me". she says while pointing at y/n and i. we follow her into an area a bit further from the others but in front of where teresa was. "what test are you doing on us?" y/n speaks up, letting go of my hand. the nurse looks up at her and smile. she then takes a syringe and takes a bit of blood from her. y/n looks over at me who was next. "i just gotta take some blood from you to make sure you don't have anything wrong with you. it's a safety thing". she takes some from me then walks off.

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