7. the maze

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we've been walking for hours. every time my feet hit the ground, aches ran through my body. newt was practically holding my body weight. thomas turns around and looks in my direction. "alright everyone, let's take a five minute break". we all sit down and eat the sandwiches that frypan made for us earlier today. newt holds my hand with one hand, eating his sandwich with the other. he looks at me and picks up my sandwich. "you've gotta eat love". everyone focuses their attention on me. i look into his chocolate eyes, shaking my head then look back down at the ground again. he gets up and walks over to thomas, chuck and teresa and talks to them quietly.

i notice chuck now sitting in front of me. he looks as me worried. "come on y/n. you have to eat". he holds the sandwich and places it in my hand. i lift my head to look at him then at the sandwich. i slowly start eating it, putting a smile on both chuck and newts faces. i sip my water then start playing my the hemming on my shirt. "i knew he would get you to eat love". he places his hand on my chin and gives my cheek a small kiss. my cheeks warm up and turn red. he looks at me, chuckling and starts blushing too. "ok let's get moving again guys!" thomas says to us turning and walking away from everyone. we all pick ourselves up and follow him. newt grabs my hand to help me up with only a small tug.

within 30 minutes we reached near the exit. minho passes teresa, chuck and i the key for the exit. i suddenly had a strange feeling in my gut. i turn my head to look behind me. "oh shuck!". newt turns around and look behind as well. "tommy we have a bit of a problem!". he shouts at thomas. everyone turns around to see two grievers ready to kill us. the three of us run towards to the exit, the rest of them getting the weapons ready. i notice chuck fall over, dropping the key near the side of the bridge. "guys were about to meet their friends!". he quickly picks up the key and runs towards teresa and i.

the key has activated the exit. "MINHO WHATS THE CODE?!" i shout to him. "7 1 5..." he try's to catch his breath while fighting a griever. "2...6...4". the grievers get closer to us, minho dragging on the break. "MINHO!". he looks back at us as he stabs a griever causing it to fall off the side. "ok ok! uh....8 3!". a green light flashes 'complete'. the door opens with us all running inside. a griever takes jeff and pulls him to be killed. the walls start falling, crushing the grievers one by one. the last one get close to us. i take the spear from newts hand and throw it at the grievers face. making it pause in its space and be crushed by the falling wall. we all back into the door as a group. then it closes.

another door opens in the distance, revealing a dim light. "get out over there". thomas says pointing to the door in the distance. we all run towards it, running outside. i look and right to see lights turning on in each direction. "what the bloody hell is this place?" newt says while holding my waist. i look up at the blonde and shrug my shoulders. i turn and look at thomas, debating which side to get us out of here. "let's go this way". he points to the right and starts walking. teresa follow shortly after. shocker right. then we all follow shortly after. alarms are faintly heard, getting louder the further we go. "uh guys..." i say to everyone. "there's blood on the door!". minho opens the door and we walk in.


dead bodies covered in blood are resting against walls or laying on the ground. i close my eyes walking passed them, gripping onto newts arm even tighter than before. "what the shuck happened here?". chuck whispers as we walk around the lab, stepping over and avoiding the bodies. we all fiddle around the the keypads. i press a button and a screen pops up, startling me. 'it's ava'. "hello. congratulations, you've completed the first set of trials". i look at thomas, while squeezing newts hand. the video continues, leaving us all shocked. "there isn't much time left here. remember...wicked is good". a gun shot fired and her body fell to the floor. tears rolling down my face.


y/n's grip loosens as she covers chucks eyes. i then hold her in my arms tightly to help her remain calm. "trials?" i look at everyone. "what the bloody hell does she mean by trials?!". thomas looks my direction. his mouth open about to say something, then something catches his attention. i turn my head to look the direction he was looking in. "it's ava's body". y/n says, walking towards it. she wipes her tears and looks at me. she looks down at the ground, taking a deep breath then back up at me. "she's the on-". she gets cut off by thomas and minho looking the opposite way, staring at something.

y/n walks towards me and grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers. she places her body slightly behind me. thomas pulls chuck behind him to protect him. teresa steps in front of us. "you don't have to do this!". he pulls the gun up facing it to thomas with tears filled his eyes. he nods at us. "yes i do. it's the only thing to keep us safe!". teresa says to thomas holding his arm. "he's been stung".

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