10. official question

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i start to wake up from what feels like a hundred years of sleep. i turn over, to cuddle with y/n. my arm flops on the bed. i just up and look around. everyone is out of bed. i look around the room but she's no where to be seen. "has anyone seen y/n?" i ask them all waiting for a response. frypan points to the bed underneath me. i climb down the ladder to see her still asleep on the bed below mine. "why is she in this bed? she was asleep in mine last night".

minho pulls me aside away from the other. he looks me in the eyes as he puts a hand on my shoulder. "she went with some boy in the vent somewhere". my eyes filled with rage. i look at her, then back at minho standing in front of me. 'how could she do this to me?'. i storm out of the room and head to another area. my mind is filled with too many questions that need answering. i just need to cool off away from everyone. especially y/n.


i wake up with thomas sitting at the end of my bed. i look around to find the one persons face i wanted to see. "where newt?". thomas looks over at minho. minho looks at me and walks over. "y/n i told him you with that boy last night". anger filled my veins. i just wanted to punch him in where the sun don't shine. "minho! he probably thinks i cheated on him!". i put my hoodie on and walk out of the room to find him. 'i just hope he doesn't hate me. why would minho tell him, it wasn't his place'.

after searching for ages i come to the last room we were allowed to go. i walk in and see him sitting by the window with tears rolling down his face. i walk over to sit beside him. "newt...let me give an explanation". he looks at me wiping his tears. he shakes his head and looks back out the window. "what's there to explain y/n. if you want be with that boy than just say so!". i grab his hands but he pulls them away. i take a breath and turn his head holding his cheek.

"newt," he looks at me with sadness waiting for me to proceed, "he was showing something to do with this place. i don't even like aris in that way. i just met him". he grabs my hand with his and holds it tightly. he looks me in the eyes. "so you and i haven't really made anything offical yet. do maybe wanna be my—". i cut off as i'm way too excited. "yes newt! yes...a million times yes! i'll be your girlfriend!". he smile and pulls me in close. he presses his lips against mine. i wrap my arms around his next as he sets me on top of him.


i place her on top on of me. we kiss passionately. her lips are soft, carefully placed against mine. i put my hands on her back. she pulls back and looks at me with a sparkle in her eye. "newt?". she looks at me smiling. "i just wanna say that i...i love you". i pull her in for another kiss then cup my hands on her cheeks "y/n...i love you too". as things were getting heated all the boys rush into the room. they all 'ooooo' at us. she gets off me and stands beside me. "i knew this would happen eventually!" frypan yells with a big grin on his face.

she looks back at me and smiles. y/n walks through the group of boys and leaves the room. they all look back at her then at me. "so...if we didn't come in...what would've happened?" thomas laughs as he sits beside me. i look down at the ground and blush. minho messes up my hair and laughs, "oh i think you know what would've happened thomas!". i look up at his and he winks at me. 'i mean...would we have done it if they didn't walk in'. i smile just at the thought of it. a guard walk in and tell us to go back to our room for another few hours.

we get and y/n is already waiting in there for us. she smiles at me as i enter the room and waits for me to get up to the top bunk. as i reach the top she pulls me in for a kiss, our lips crushing together once again. 'ooooo's fill the room. i pull away and laugh. "shuck of you bloody shanks!". then i pull her on top of me for more of her amazing kisses. "so are you two official then?". thomas says from the ladder, minho's head pops up next to his."yeaaaaaa. are you two together together?". y/n sits up and looks at the boys. "oh my god yes!" she says with a scoff at the end. "now will you shuck off?!". the two laugh and climb down to give us privacy.
newt and y/n are finally together together!!! 🥳
there's only gonna be a few more parts left!

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