5. survive the night

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my stomach churned as we heard the sound of the grievers. it's getting late and everyone has to get to homestead safely. the only thing on my mind is the safety of y/n. "come take my hand love!" i hold my hand out to her and she takes it without hesitation. we run across the glade and head towards homestead where alby is already waiting for everyone. "newt i'm scared". y/n wraps her arms around my waist to get comfort from me. i wrap my arms around her back, pulling her closer and kissing her forehead. "you're safe with me love". i run my fingers through her hair to relax her since i can sense her anxiety is rising.

thomas, minho and chuck arrive in the building, shutting and locking the door behind them. the lights go out to make the room darker and less noticeable. the six of us are at the top floor, in the corner of the room away from the windows. "they're not gonna leave until they take someone you know!" teresa says to us. y/n just rolls her eyes then lays back on my chest. i look around the room, finding that thomas has his eyes on y/n. i give him the look of back off.

y/n lifts her head from my chest and looks me in the eyes. "what did i tell you about the jealousy?" she says while holding my cheek in one hand, one of my hands in the other. i kiss the top of her head, then lay her down on my lap. i stroke her hair to help her try to sleep. she still holds my hand as comfort and safety. "tommy can i talk to you for a second?" i ask him as quietly as possible, to try and not wake y/n. i carefully place y/n's head onto teresa's lap and walk to the another corner of the room with thomas.


he looks at me with a concerning look. "i need you to back off y/n a bit tommy". i look at him as confusion is written on my face. "i know you have a thing for her, but you can tell she doesn't for you. it just makes me uncomfortable". i place my hand on his shoulder and look into his eyes, "i know you love her," he nods, "i'll step back and let you and her be happy i guess". he pulls me into a hug and says to me, "thank you tommy". i felt a bit sad at this point. i mean i don't blame him for feeling this but...i don't know.

we get back to the others. newt places y/n's head back on his lap and strokes her hair. screams are heard from the bottom floor. "NO JACK!" one of the boys screams. we all rush downstairs to check on the boys. alby pulls the boy into his arms, "what happens lewis?!". the boy couldn't speak as tears came rushing from his eyes, down his face. "t-t-they...took...jack! the grievers took him!". i quickly open the door and walk outside. i look around to see all the grievers running back into the maze. i turn on my heel and walk back inside. "they're gone. its safe". everyone went out side to see the huts, the gardens, everything on fire.

the screeches of the grievers softened and only to be heard in the distance. a figure comes closer to us. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" gally yells as he punches me in the face. my face lands in the dirt as my chest hits the ground. "don't even get me started on you two!". he points to the girls and looks back down at me. i get up and look at him. i notice a griever stinger on the ground. 'this is the stupidest idea ever'. i pick it up and look at it. "i have to remember". y/n looks at me with terror in her eyes. "THOMAS NO!". she tries to stop me but it's too late. i push the needle into my leg and fall back to the ground.

"wicked is good"
"you're doing the right thing thomas"
"see you in a month"
"this is wrong guys!"

pictures. memories. everything flashed before my eyes. y/n was right. we did this to everyone. we're the reason everyone is here. i feel the sting grow sharper in pain. my body burning from the inside as the toxin spreads around in my veins.


two of gally's boys pick thomas up as another grab teresa and i. "what are you doing gally?!". i try to get out of the boys reach but his grip was too strong. "take them to the pit. they're going to be banished". they drag us to the pit and throw us in there. i look at teresa who gives the griever cure to thomas to help him recover. my head started to ache as my vision became blurry. my mind slips from reality and goes into a memory.

"ava this is wrong!" my voice echos in the lab. "these are innocent boys you're sending in there! they'll die!". she looks at me then walks away. i scoff then walk back to teresa and thomas. they look at me like they didn't have a care in the world. "this is wrong guys!". i can't believe they'll agree to help such a monster. i don't even wanna be here but i didn't have a choice. i walk to the metal table to take a look at one of the boys brain scans. "oh shit".

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