4. the arrival

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my eyes slowly open up to the light hitting my face through the gaps of the sticks. i lightly rub them to wake them up. my eyes wander around the room and lands on a familiar face. a small smile appears on mine. he walks over to me, sits beside me and gives me a soft smile. "morning love. took your time to wake up didn't ya?". he says with a small laugh. questions flew into my mind, 'what does he mean by that?'. "you missed quite a lot". i look up at him only to be confused by his words.

"newt," i hold his cheek in my hand, "what do you mean by i missed a lot?". he pulls my hand down and holds it in his, and kisses it softly. his brown eyes start to tear up as he stares into mine as he says to me, "you were out for around three days y/n". he takes a deep breath and faces down to the ground, "i thought you were never gonna wake up". as i hold his hands in mine, i lift his chin up and whisper to him softly and calming, "i'm not leaving you this early newtie". the door swings open and one of the boys stare at us with a smile on his face. his laugh filled the room as he leans against the door frame. "i knew you lovebirds would get together at some point!".

i laughed at minho's comment and looked back at newt with a big smile across my face. the two boys walk out and i follow shortly after. we walk to the med-jacks since the boys need to show me something important. we get to one of the rooms. my eyes staring at this person on the bed. 'it's another girl'. i look back at newt and he nods. i walk towards her, kneeling beside her bed. she jumps up and gasps for air. "Y/N!" then she falls back unconscious. i jump up and walk out of the hut. 'how is she here?!' a hand grabs onto my left shoulder, turning me around.

"y/n," newt says while taking a breath, "how does she know you?" i look at him with worry in my eyes and walk back towards the hut. i walk into the room and manage to wake her up. "how are you here?!" i loudly whisper to her. she just looks at me blankly and grabs my hand. i try to pull it away but her grip was too strong. her deep blue eyes look into my (e/c) eyes. "everything is gonna change" she whispers to my ear. my head started aching. her grip loosens on me as i fall to the ground.

"wicked is good".
"you're gonna kill her!".
"everything is gonna change".
"it's for the greater good!".

memories flash before my eyes. "no! no, no, no, no, no!" i quietly say under my breath. i look back up at teresa. i pick myself up and walk out to find thomas. newt and minho shortly follow behind me. i search everywhere except my last destination. the homestead. "thomas?" i say aloud. i walk around to try and find him until footsteps grew louder coming down the stairs. "y/n? is everything ok?" he looks at me with worry in his brown eyes. i slowly shake my head and he sits me down. "you, teresa and i worked for them". confusion was written on his face at that moment. "we worked for wicked thomas! we helped put everyone here!". he jumps out of his seat and paces around the room.

he turns back to me and asks "how do you remember this y/n?" i look at him and hesitate on what to say, only to decide to tell the truth. "teresa held my hand, then all my memories started to flash in front of my eyes". he quickly sits back down and turns and faces me. he grabs my hand and stares at it with worry on his face, then let's go and walks out. i ran out to catch up to him. "what are you doing?" i yell at him, "THOMAS!". he stops and turns to me, then turns back around and continues to walk away. i roll my eyes at him and go to  minho and newts direction.

not remembering anything before the maze was stressful. y/n mentioning that we did something to everyone freaks me out a tad. that apparently teresa made y/n remember everything. i don't quite understand how but it scares me. the scariest part is that teresa arrived just 4 days after y/n did, and the box still hasn't gone down. "thomas!". i run towards newt, minho and y/n who point to the walls. "they haven't closed". y/n says to me, "they should've closed 20 minutes ago!". the sound of the grievers fills the glade. all the boys eyes fill with worry. "chuck, minho...grab supplies to start barricading the walls. y/n, newt. start to get everyone to the homestead!" i instruct everyone to do anything that'll help keep up safe. 'this is gonna be a shucking disaster!'.

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