Field Trip

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Peter's pov:
We had to go to school anyway we even if we were just going to come right back home. "Looks we finally get to see that is all a lie." A boy spat off. "Its not a lie John." Peter says. "Of course you would say that did little lazy Lizzy put you up to it." A girl says. Peter put a portictive arm over Lizzy. "Class get on the bus." The teacher calls. We get on when we finally made it MJ taps my shoulder and Ned's trying to wake up Lizzy. I go over to them and pick Lizzy up. Lizzy moves trying to get comfortable again. "She didn't really sleep last night." Peter says getting off the bus. "Awe did the baby have to be carried." The girl said sarcastically. "Good morning Midtown." James said before hanging bages a explaining things. "Oh hey guys." James said to us. We wave. I kinda have a hard time waving with Lizzy asleep on me. " wake up Lizzy were heading inside." I say as I set her down.
Elizabeth's pov:
"Look guys lazy Lizzy woke up." The girl calls out. James glares at her. "Please refrain from talking about the young masters that way miss?" James says with a wicked tone. "Cece." Says the gril. James lead the way to the intrence. " please swip your badge." James says. First is John. "John Martin level 2 clearance." Says Friday. Next was Cece. "Cece Jackson level 2 clearance." Friday says. They go through the whole class until they get to us. "Peter, Eli, MJ, Page, Crystal, and Ned why aren't you at school." As Friday says this the class looks at us. "We are on a school trip Fri." I say sleepy. "Your parents have been notified that you are home." Friday says. "Why?" Asks Page. "Its part of my 'babies safety protocol'." Friday says getting sinkers from the class. We all go red with embarrassment. I yawn and we pass through. "Elizabeth May 'Lizzy' Stark-Rogers. Peter Benjamin 'Pete' Stark-Rogers. Mary Jane 'MJ' Romanoff-Barton. Page Kay 'Piggy' Romanoff-Barton. Crystal Ann 'Arrow' Romanoff-Barton. Edward 'Ned'  Banner-Odinson."  We are thankful she didn't say anything about our level. "Did she say Romanoff?" Cece asks. "You got a problem with Romaboffs?" Page got all defensive. "N-no." Cece studderd. James keeper us moving. The rest of the class was excited, but as for us 6 we just wanted to go to our rooms. That's when the elevator dinged and our parents steppedout. MJ stood in front of Page and Crystal at the same time Peter got in front of me. Ned was in front of them. Me and Page exchange looks and Crystal almost starts crying. Peter and MJ stand there like guards. Ned is trying to act brave but is shaking. "Oh masters I'm glad you could make it." James said trying to defuse the situation. That's when I got grabed by the waste and screams. Making the adults get in fighting stances. I look at who it's and hug him. "Hey sis. Hey Pete." Harley said. " Hey Har." Me and Peter say and look at the class who have decided to get food then come back and watch. Nat walks over to her girls but MJ keeps the other two behind her. "What has gotten into you 6!" Dad yells. I cover  my ears and get in a defensive position.
Steve's pov:
Seeing Eli in the position made my heart acke. Nat could feel this and took Lizzy in her arms trying to make sure she doesn't have a panic attack. Peter on the other hand was in the middle of an attack and Harley was helping him.

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