Prt:4- Deal or No Deal

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Third Person~

Percy slowly tried to back agenst the tree as he saw the figures of three young men approached.

"Nice shot Nico" the brown haired male complimented the black haired male.

"Thanks man." The black haired one replied.

I guees he is the one who shot my deer. Nico.. Sounds familiar? Percy thought to himself, he wondered were he remembered the name from he just couldnt place it.

"Come on guys we need to sta-"

Snap a twig broke as it was steped on by the hiding sub

Crap! Stupid sticks the sub thought. He tried his best to keep himself still. Mabey the wont see me.

"Who's there" called out the tall blond

All three males began studying the forest around fallowing the derection of the sound. 

After a few minets of the males missing the small subs hiding place, the balck haired one finaly spotted him. Tucked eay up in the trees his back flat agenst the tree. Old ragged clothing hanging from his small fraim. The green eyed boy clearly hadnt relized he had been spotted.

Nico's Pov~

Is that a child? Why is he out here by himself. I wandered looking at the small form in the tree. He looked quite small his clothing looked to be stitched from old hides. His bright green eyes appear scaning the area arownd him. Is he trying to find an escape route? He has a small bow at his side... A hunter? Was he after this deer? Why is he alown? There should be others with him... I cant tell what pack hes from.. Theres no sent coming from anywere... Mabey hes masking his sent with something...

Taking a few steps tword the tree the boy was hiding in iI looked back up at him. He knows I've spotted him know..

"Nico what are you doing?" Leo asked.


From this angel I can see him a bit better... Hes too small... Either a child or a sub.. Why the hell is he out here by himself!? Hes franticly looking around.. Is... Is he scared..? Slowly i set my bow and quiver down... "We're not going to hurt you" I call out to the boy.

Percy's Pov

The black haired one, Nico, just came closer to my tree... Hes looking right at me.. Crud he's spotted me.. I got to get out of here.. Looking arownd I try and spot an escape root. Mabey I can get away.. Wait... Did he.. Why would he put down his bow?

"We're not going to hurt you" he calls out, looking up at me...

Its clearly a trick.. Why wouldnt they hurt me.. Im useless and pathetic.. It got father to leave.. And do those... Things... to me.. Whats stoping them...

"Come down." He called out again.. "We can fined away to split the deer if you come down and talk.."

Split the deer... It could be a trap.. But i need the food... And whats the worst they can do.. I can heal myself if i need to..

"Nico I dont think its working..." The brown haired boy told him...

The black haired boy pulled somthing else out of his bag.. I container of some sort... "The rivers are all frozen.." He called out... "You can have this jug of watter if you come down"

Water!? Yes!! I dont have to wait for the snow!

"Nico its not wo-" the blond says is a begin to clime down

Third Person~

Slowly Percy climed his way down the tree. The promise of food and water was just to much for the sub to resist.. With river haveing frozen over a week ago and no rain for the last couple days the sub couldnt resist the though of a cool nice drink.

The tree males watched as he gracefully descended the tree. Even as close as he was they still couldnt see anything to help identity his pack...

The sub stoped his desent on the bottom branch of the tree and sat watching the males below him.

Hope you enjoyed chapter 4. Have a good day, night, and evening. Bye💜

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