"I Don't Wanna Wait Any Longer" | ❤️☀️

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Ship: Lander 🧡💜 (Luke x Zander)

Genre: Romantic Fluff ❤️☀️

Requested By: jai_sus_tho


    It was a breezy, spring evening. Luke was driving home from a stressful day of college, rather late. The sun was starting to set as he drove through the crowded, busy streets of the bustling city. Luke sighed, his mind clouded and drained with all of the school work he was assigned.

    There was one good thing about today though, he would get to see his beloved boyfriend, Zander. Well- soon to be fiancé, but Zander didn't know that yet. Luke was planning on proposing to Zander soon. He, nor Zander wanted to wait any longer for their wedding, the two would talk about it, but Zander had no idea Luke was actually going to do it in the rather near future.

    Luke smiled, taking a hand off the wheel to brush his messy bangs out of his face. Before he knew it he was pulling up into his apartment's parking lot.

    Luke got out of his clean, white car, taking his bag and keys with him. He walked over to the apartments and opened the door to the building. Luke ambled over to the elevator through the lobby and punched in the third floor.

    He waited for a moment as the elevator took him up. Once he reached the third floor, there was a small ding, signaling that he could leave. Luke exited the elevator and walked through the hallway. Once he reached his room, he took his keys and slid a smaller one inside the keyhole. He opened the door to be greeted by his large, young, white husky. Luke let out a chuckle.

    "Hi Casper," he laughed as his dog playfully pawed his legs. Luke set his bag down next to the door and put his keys on the counter.

    "Baby, I'm home!" He called. Not long after he heard a faint, "Hi!" Coming from his and his boyfriend's room. Luke passed through their kitchen and opened a door leading to their room.

    "Hey, how was your day?" Zander asked. Zander was laying down on their bed, reading a book that looked to be a classic. Their room was small but cozy, just how they liked it. There was a desk placed a little right from their bed with a window over it, along with a dresser sharing their clothes with a TV placed on top of it.

    "It was fine. A bit stressful though." He said, walking over to their bed and plopping down on it. Zander smiled, putting his book down, signaling for Luke to come over. He did so, crawling over to Zander. Luke placed his head down on Zander's chest, ruffling under the covers. The petite, pale young man stroked Luke's hair with his thumb, placing a soft, endear kiss on his head. Zander pulled his boyfriend closer, leaning his head on Luke's, wrapping his arms around him.

    The two stayed like that, silenced, for a couple minutes before their dog came wandering in. Casper let out a quiet sound, jumping onto the bed. His baby blue eyes wandered over to his two owners cuddling. Casper curled up beside their legs, letting out a tired sigh.

    Luke and Zander smiled, opening their eyes to look at their dog.

    "He's our son." Zander chuckled. Luke did so as well from the comment Zander made. Suddenly the thought came into mind again. Marriage. Luke let a soft smile form on his lips before looking up at his partner, cuddled up to him.

    "Zander?" He asked.

    "Hm?" He hummed, letting his amethyst, violet, gaze droop down to his boyfriend's glistening, yellow, amber eyes. Luke stayed quiet for a moment before speaking up.

    "Since this is my last year of college..um, I was thinking...that maybe we could get married next summer or something." He said, a light smile forming on his lips, along with light crimson cheeks. Zander's violet eyes widened a bit before melting into a soft, happy expression, his eyes dancing in the moonlight coming through the window. He softly nodded snuggling up to Luke.

    "Yes, I don't wanna wait any longer" he softly spoke, small, happy tears forming in the corners of his beautiful, light eyes. The two smiled, Zander looked back down to Luke before pulling into a soft, yet passionate kiss.

    After they broke away, what felt like an eternity, the young couple looked into each other's eyes.

    "I love you, Zander." Luke said, his own small tears forming in his light golden gaze.

    "I love you too."


Word Count: 757 Words

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