"Oh Milly" | 💛☀️

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Ship: Millean ❤️💙 (Milly x Sean)

Other Ships Mentioned: Milliot, A Little Lander and Jailey

Genre: Platonic Fluff 💛☀️

Requested By: neophytes_assuredly


    Milly skipped down the hall, full of energy and enthusiasm. Her shorter, fire pink, red hair flowed with the movement. Today was the day she would confess her love to Elliot! Before she did though, she had to finish school. Earlier that day she made a love note with the help of Luke, and put it in Elliot's locker, telling him to meet her in the school's greenhouse.

    Currently, Milly was on her way to the music room for lunch time rehearsals. She smiled, slowing her pace a bit before opening the door to the music room.

    "Hey guys!" She said, her tone full of enthusiasm.

    "Hey, Milly!" Sean greeted. Hailey, Zander, Luke, and Sean were all here waiting for the remaining members to come. Luke and Zander were seated next to each other eating their remaining lunches, Hailey was seated on the table that Sean used to put his laptop on, and Sean himself was seated at his table. He looked to be playing around with a beat or track or something.

    "Jake's not here yet huh?" Milly said, her enthusiasm draining a bit.

    "That dork will never be here on time." Zander said, standing up to put is lunch box in his bag. Milly sighed, grabbing her electric guitar off the wall and playing a few chords on it. The club went quiet for a bit, and Zander went back to the chair he was previously sitting in. Luke put his arm around him affectionately. It had been a week since those two started dating, but they seemed to be one of those couples that has been dating for years already.

    Milly tapped her foot impatiently, before walking up to Zander and grabbing his right wrist to check the time on his watch. She had a habit of doing that that Zander didn't really enjoy.

    "Ow." Zander hissed. Milly didn't really care about the sound he just made.

    "Jake's 5 minutes late, can we start?" She asked, her fire pink glare turning to Hailey and her patients coming to an end. Hailey nodded.

    "Alright then, everyone get to your instruments." Hailey said, getting up from off Sean's table. Luke cleaned up his lunch and made his way to his drum set, and Zander stood up, plugging in his keyboard.

    Hailey started the lesson today on what they'd be doing. Milly followed until the door slammed open, this caught the attention to everyone in the room.

    "Ah, so sorry I'm late-" Jake said, he came into the room as a panting mess. His brown, wooded gaze, landing on Hailey.

    "Jake, you really need to set an alarm or something." Milly said, sort of amused by Jake's entrance. Hailey sighed, shaking her head.

    "Make sure it does not happen again, Jake." Hailey said in a serious tone.

    "Uh-oh, she's mad~" Milly teased. Both Jake, and Hailey seemed to ignore this comment.

    "Sorry princess, I'll do better next time." Jake winked at Hailey. Zander scoffed, running his fingers through his curly purple, ombré hair and lightly rolling his eyes. Hailey blushed, her stern gaze coming back to her normal peppy one.

    "You better." She teased.

   At PE Class (With Milly)

    Today was the last class of the day before she would finally confess her love to Elliot. She was excited, yet quite nervous at the same. At the moment, she was running laps around the track, currently in the lead. Milly was a pretty fast runner. As she was running, her pace started to slow a bit as she thought about what she'd say during her confession. Milly stayed like that for a moment before-

    "Woah!-" Milly said before hitting the ground. She had just tripped over a rock, and she could feel her knees already scraping. There was a small crowd watching the runners and they all seemed to laugh at Milly's clumsiness. She sighed, taking a look at her knees. They were already starting to bleed. Milly winced, her gaze turning up to look at all of the runners before her that were now almost trampling her. Milly could feel her eyes start to water, turning her eyes back to her bloodied, scraped knees.

    "Oh my gosh! Milly are you okay?" There was a voice behind her, one she recognized. It was Sean. Sean was basically like a big brother to her, and the rest of the music club. He would always make sure everyone was okay and safe.

    "Sean?" Milly said, taking a hand and wiping the small tears that formed.

    Sean lightly smiled before coming up to her. Placing a hand on her shoulder.

    "You really need to pay attention to where your going and stop thinking about Elliot all the time." He let out a small chuckle before sitting down next to her, pulling some band-aids and a cleaning wipe out of his pocket. Milly watched as he took the wipe and lightly rubbed it on her knees, getting the dirt and dried blood off before putting a band-aid on each one.

    "There, all better now!" He smiled, standing up and letting his hand out for Milly. She took it and smiled, before pulling Sean into a big hug.

    "Thank you, Sean!" She said. Sean simply returned the hug as a reply.

    The two stayed like that for a couple moments before pulling away. Sean chuckled at what he was about say,

    "Now go get Elliot, I bet he's waiting!" Milly's face turned bright pink, she covered it in embarrassment with her hands.

    "Sean!" She exclaimed before coming to realization.

    "Wait- shoot! I bet he is waiting! Thanks again!" Milly smiled before running off to the building.

    Sean laughed, his bright smile turning into a somewhat wholesome one before shaking his head.

    "Oh Milly."


Word Count: 985

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